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  1. ducklings5405


    My three khaki Campbells are only 5 weeks old but i can’t wait any longer to find out their genders. Anyone have any idea? Probably too early to tell.
  2. ducklings5405

    Locking up at night

    So I have 3 ducks who are nearly a month old that have just started living outside. So far I have been locking them into their coop overnight but they really hate being stuck in there, 11pm-9am. I hear ducks like to wake up at the crack of dawn. Would it be a better idea to leave their door open...
  3. ducklings5405

    Ducklings outdoors

    I want my ducklings to move outdoors ASAP because they get cabin fever inside and there’s so much cleaning to do. They are just over 2 weeks old and have grown quite big. I know technically I should wait until they’re 8 weeks but can I gradually get them outdoors sooner? For example live outside...
  4. ducklings5405

    Heat lamp for ducklings

    My ducklings are only 2 weeks old but they have completely lost interest in the heat lamp and no longer use it. Does this mean they are ready to live outside? They don’t seem to shiver or get cold outside either.
  5. ducklings5405

    Ducklings sneezing

    2 of my 3 ducklings have been sneezing for the last few days, they are nearly 2 weeks old. I noticed there is also a whistling noise from their nostrils when they sleep like a snore from a blocked nose maybe. What is wrong and how can I fix it? For some reason they sleep away from their heat...
  6. ducklings5405

    Duck feed

    I'm a bit confused about the different types of duck feeds. My ducklings are are 10 days old and currently eating starter crumbs. They can eat this for the first 4 weeks and then what comes next, grower feed? And then layer feed? I don't know what the names of the different stages of feed are...
  7. ducklings5405

    Ducklings eating veg

    my ducklings are 4 days old living indoors hatched from an incubator. When can I start feeding them veg and foods other than their crumble? I don’t want them to choke, should I mash it up? I have grit too.
  8. ducklings5405

    Ducklings in water

    So I heard that ducklings who are hatched naturally under a mother duck are able to swim ASAP because their mother rubs a natural oil on their fluff to make them waterproof and buoyant but incubator ducklings don’t receive this from their mother. This means that they can become waterlogged and...
  9. ducklings5405

    Duckling grit

    I’m trying to make my own duckling grit rather than buy it. I found small rock fragments from the garden and added industrial sand. I also have some seashells I can grind up if that’s safe (I don’t have any oyster shells). Is this an ok size and material?
  10. ducklings5405

    Dead egg?

    Pretty sure this duck egg is dead, I just want a second opinion before I throw it out. It is merky and cloudy inside. It slushes around inside, not very solid for day 25.
  11. ducklings5405


    information no longer needed
  12. ducklings5405

    Internal pip?

    Does this count as an internal pip? Should I start lockdown now? I wanted to post a video of the duck that can be seen wriggling inside the egg but I can only show pictures. You can see the little bump is the beak. I think maybe it hasn’t broken through yet.
  13. ducklings5405

    Eggs moved themselves

    2 of my 5 ducks eggs were seen rocking/shaking by themselves as if the ducklings are moving into their hatching position. It’s only day 22 but maybe this means they are ready to hatch soon? Should I start the “lockdown”? I was advised to do this on day 25 so I wonder if it’s too early to...
  14. ducklings5405


    I recently bought a huge 15kg bag of starter crumbs for my soon to hatch 5 ducklings. I realise this is far too much food since they only need it for the first 4 weeks. I am aware that after this age they require more nutrients which is why they switch to grower feed and then adult feed. Is...
  15. ducklings5405

    Duckling heat lamp?

    I have a 100W heat lamp for ducklings, how high up should I position it when they first hatch? online it says 12-15 inches but I don't know if that applies to my lamp strength.
  16. ducklings5405

    Incubating duck eggs

    Hi, I am a first time duck hatcher and am having some issues with my incubator. I am using a very cheap "mini intelligent 7 egg incubator." It has a monitor for temperature but not for humidity so I can't tell if the humidity is ok. I filled the water pan before use and after about an hour I...
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