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  1. Chicken Chicken Love

    How do i get my chicken to trust me again??

    So, I've had these hens for about 2 years now, and I used to spend alot of time with them. Since the beginning one has always been really friendly with me and trusted me alot, also hopped on my lap. But, long story short I got into a bad funk and spent alot less time with them over the last few...
  2. Chicken Chicken Love

    Starting broody or something else....?

    One of my sweet hens has been puffing up her feathers, acting moody, and being loud, like she did before when she was broody. She has been doing this for about 4 days now, but she hasnt been hanging out in the nesting box more than she usually does nor has she been protective of her eggs... so I...
  3. Chicken Chicken Love

    Fostering chicks and chickens....?

    Is there such thing as fostering chicks and chickens? If so has anyone done it before? Does anyone know if there are any places like that near Pensacola, Fl?
  4. Chicken Chicken Love

    Is there something wrong.....

    I have 3 sweet hens around 1 year old, they have had an established pecking order for a while and have always been pretty stable. But in the past month or so, they have been very on edge and get very scared at some of the littlest things going on around them fairly often( small birds flying...
  5. Chicken Chicken Love

    Chicken name contest; no prize, just for fun!

    I want to see you best chicken names! 😊 Who evers chicken name gets the most likes will get the prize of gloating rights! The only rules are 1. Has to be a name you have named a chicken 2. Only one name a post 3.You have to tell a little bit about the chicken behind the name. Let the games...
  6. Chicken Chicken Love

    What do you think of Cochins?

    I am looking for another few chickens to add to my flock, and I want to know if Cochin hens are a friendly and docile breed to add to a flock. And whether you like the bantam or regular sized more or if you like both equally. If you have other breed suggestions please post below! Also if you...
  7. Chicken Chicken Love

    Favorite chicken memes!

    Post your favorite chicken memes! Just because it is 2020 and everyone needs a laugh and nothing is funnier than a good chicken meme! Post away!
  8. Chicken Chicken Love

    I Love chickens!!!!! ( Just a thread to talk about how much you love chickens)

    This is a thread to talk about our love of chickens and post your favorite pics of your sweet chicks and chickens. You can tell some info or a story about your chickens or post a remebrance of ones that have passed. :thumbsup Also, make sure to put I love chickens after your posts🙂
  9. Chicken Chicken Love

    Cute pictures of your chicks and chickens!!

    Post some of your cutest pictures of you chicks and chickens! Im just doing this for fun! Heres one of mine her name is big mack! (B.T.W the one in the picture next to her with the poof on her head is named Stella Klaire, R.I.P my sweet stella😘😥)
  10. Chicken Chicken Love

    Sweetest colored egg layer?

    So im looking into possibly getting some more sweet girs for my flock and would love a green or blue egg layer. I was wondering what breed of blue or green egglayer you think has the sweetest temperment? I know part of it depends on how you raise them but i was just wondering in general.
  11. Chicken Chicken Love

    Dead chicken, purpleish-red comb. Do you know why she died? Poor thing!!

    I went out to check on the chickens ( on wednesday) and found one of my sweet girls dead:th ( R.I.P , my sweet girl). She had a purpleish- red comb and no obvious cuts on the outside of her body and no broken neck. The day before she was acting fine, It's so sad how suddden chickens can die...
  12. Chicken Chicken Love

    So....... Will it grow back by itself?

    My sweet hen's tip of her beak semi-broke off, it hasn't completely come off and I don't know If I should just leave it or what to do because it is not a tiny space but it is not huge. She is eating and drinking just fine and doesn't seem to be in any pain. So... Will it grow back, or should I...
  13. Chicken Chicken Love

    How to break a broody???

    Sooo..... My 7-month old buff Orpington girl has gone broody and she is stubborn. I can't give her eggs so, How do I break her? Thank you in advance!
  14. Chicken Chicken Love


    How do I know if my chicken is eggbound or broody? Im a little worried. Thank you in advance!
  15. Chicken Chicken Love

    Huricanes, twisters, tornadoes! OH MY!

    What do you guys do for hurricanes with your pet chickens if you don't want to leave them? I adore my girls and would never want them to get hurt or traumatized, Thank you in advance!
  16. Chicken Chicken Love

    New chickens

    So...... what is your guy's experiences with integrating new chickens or chicks? My girls are going to be about 11 months when I'm ready to get another chick or chicken to add to my lovley flock, what do you think the best age is for your flock to be when you integrate another chick or chicken...
  17. Chicken Chicken Love

    Beloved chickens death

    :th:oops::he:mad: How do you guys get over the death of one of your pet chickens? Especially when it is kinda a tramatic expirience and its one of your favorites.
  18. Chicken Chicken Love

    Hurricanes! Twisters!

    What do you guys do with your chickens during a hurricane or twister?
  19. Chicken Chicken Love

    HELP! What the heck?

    My chicken is growing an extra nail on one of her toes[ not a foot, not a toe, a nail]! She is a Crevecoeur and she is a little over 6 months and she just started to grow it. Also, it isn't a spur because it is growing off one of her toes in the front of her foot. Does it hurt her? Has anyone...
  20. Chicken Chicken Love

    My laying girl

    My girl just layed her first egg yesterday and she is very tired and her little chirps are very horse and frog croaking like, is that normal?
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