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  1. paloozaparty

    Female Turkey Mounting Female Turkey, BB, 8mo 🦃

    I'm pretty sure that this behavior that just started yesterday, is the Alpha female "Henny" turkey, showing dominance to Beta female "Penny" turkey? "Henny" (the alpha, apparently) is also my girl (rather, I'm her human)--so I was also wondering if she was/is behaving like this because I was...
  2. paloozaparty

    Help diagnose turkey hobble, please!

    3.5 month old Tom, named BrahBrah 🤣 poor guy has had a worsening gait problem for up to a month, now (07/07/23). Nothing looks wrong on the outside and nothing is swollen or hot (like, the knee joint). I think it's his left leg, but not even sure of that. I'm so surprised that there's hardly...
  3. paloozaparty

    Nature video compilation of protective hens

    This video isn't as uncomfortable as it may sound, but it's satisfying to see some protective mother's when it comes to hawks!!!
  4. paloozaparty

    What is Eggvanka looking for / trying to tell me???

    Today, I noticed one of our 5-mo-old pullets acting very strange and I'm now desperate to see if any of you have any guesses as to what's going on? First of all, I have no proof that she's laying yet--her same-age 2 sisters and her 3, 16-month-old aunts are. As the pullets come into laying...
  5. paloozaparty

    Who's Their Momma? Mad Scientist-Bred Offspring Questions...

    I hope that I'm posting in the right topic thread... I've been a chicken companion since June 2019. Over quarantine, I successfully incubated a batch of 9 eggs from 3 of my hens. I tried to correctly select 3 eggs from each hen (Black Sex Link, Golden Sex Link, Brahma) that were fertilized by...
  6. paloozaparty

    Not molting hens???

    We have 3, 18mo hens (born June 2019), 3 pullets from the hens (born May 2020). I understand (from reading on here) that pullets don't molt first year. Of our hens, 1 (brahma) went broody out of nowhere, this past August, for about 2 weeks, then started molting (apparently), for about a solid...
  7. paloozaparty

    Brown pin speckles on brown eggs?

    These do not look like any spots on eggs that I'm finding online, to see if they're normal (am assuming so) and also to determine which pullet is laying them? We have 3, 18mo hens and are familiar with their eggs (tho not yet sure who lays which egg--all 3 are brown egg layers--one egg is always...
  8. paloozaparty

    Boys or Girls???

    Of the 4 black and white chicks we have, I was originally POSITIVE that there was ONE boy in this foursome. Then, because of behavior as seen in this video--at LEAST 2 of the 4 do this provocative behavior many times a day--there's a 3rd one of the 4 who joins in now, and I'm POSITIVE that of...
  9. paloozaparty

    Who's Their Momma???

    AHH I can't wait any longer--to get crossbreeding feedback from you about our 11 week old chicks! Who knew how COMPLICATED chicken breeding is??? I've learned SO much about chickens, eggs, egg production and laying, breeding/incubating, and being a chicken pet is my new favorite lifestyle choice...
  10. paloozaparty

    Is this an albino chicken, or just missing some color gene?

    This cutie was born "highlighter yellow" as my 6yo described... then, had very slight patch of very light brown on both wings, but then grew into this solid white coloring, which I keep waiting to see some other coloring appear, but none--so, now that our clutch is 11 weeks old--I just thought...
  11. paloozaparty

    Please help me feather sex my newborn chicks :)

    Finally hatched successfully, 9 eggs--approx. 3 each from our 3 hens (Gold Sex Link, Black Sex Link, Light-Colored Brahma--from our gorgeous Americuana/EE rooster. We're very new to being chicken pets :) (since June 2019) and are dying to know what sex these are. I've had no problem guessing...
  12. paloozaparty

    Denver Mom of 4+4+4+2

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? >> Bought 5 chicks for first time, on youngest daughter's birthday, June 2019. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? >> SO sad, one died VERY unexpectedly at about 8 months old--we all cried for 2 solid hours. Buried her in...
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