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  1. enigmachick

    New Omlet Eglu in Central Illinois

    NEVER USED!!! new but fully assembled. We decided to build an aviary style enclosure instead. THERE HAVE BEEN NO BIRDS KEPT IN THIS COOP RUN OR EVEN YARD, so no concerns there. This is the Omlet Eglu sold for guinea pigs with the 3' run and coop. It was for quail but I want more than initially...
  2. enigmachick

    Anyone do deep litter over sand?

    So I was all set to do my (raised bed) run and coop floor out of sand, but using river sand in the brooder WAY disillusioned me with it (awful, every chick's feet matted up with poop, scooping it out 4-5 times a day, COLD even in a warm house). However, when I put some aspen shavings over the...
  3. enigmachick

    Brooder bedding foot issues

    Super frustrated with the bedding in our brooder, we have 16 chicks that are approx 10 days old. We had them in a tote brooder with paper towels and it was such a mess constantly changing papers that after 4 days I changed them over to sand as I'd read glowing recommendations for it. I got the...
  4. enigmachick

    Small air sacs? Large number of infertile...getting some nerves

    We are at day 10 with our first ever quail and I'm starting to get a little nervous about them. Firstly we started with 30, three ended up cracked (one was accident, one came that way and one cracked mysteriously in the incubator), we just candled them all tonight and a whopping 7 more appeared...
  5. enigmachick

    Quail feed question...

    Bizarrely I cannot find the answer to this question! I have looked online and on BYC and even through Karen Puddephatt's book and I still don't know. I am trying to find out, what do Coturnix quail eat once they are adults (laying)? I know the chicks need a game bird starter with high protein...
  6. enigmachick

    How many Coturnix can fit and setup questions?

    So, we have ordered eggs and are excitedly hoping to start keeping quail (Coturnix, for fun & eggs). We have purchased a coop that is not often used for quail, it's actually for chickens/guinea pigs but hopefully it will work (pictured below). We ordered 25 eggs and the coop itself is about 6...
  7. enigmachick

    Is an all-sand run acceptable for quail?

    I have read much about course river sand for chicken coops and runs, I am wondering if there's any reason the same thing wouldn't work for quail? I was planning on using DL but since my run will be on concrete and I don't have a ton of room for compost I'm rethinking to sand for a run with daily...
  8. enigmachick

    Do you have to clean poop out of the run?

    We live in an urban area with a small yard, we are trying to come up with the best quail setup for us, we were thinking maybe 6 but now we're thinking maybe as many as 25. I gather they don't tend to use the coop much and use the run much more, my question is, if you have a small run in one...
  9. enigmachick

    Can anyone recommend an egg source that is not sold out?

    We are thinking maybe 6 quail chicks or eggs. Either Coturnix or BobWhite (any opinions? A friend said bobwhites are more friendly but coturnix seem the breed of choice generally?). I live in Illinois and our winters are hard. Anyway, places seem sold out like crazy right now with Covid...does...
  10. enigmachick

    Completely new, trying to figure out coop/run housing?

    I posted this on the coop forum before I realized there was a quail forum! I am a complete newbie, we want to have the quail outdoors and in a coop/run situation (not cages) I was trying to figure out how to set it up for how they behave...I wanted to get an Omlet Eglu Go Up because it's...
  11. enigmachick

    Brand new...quail?!

    Hi everyone! Thrilled to finally be able to join, found an allowable option for backyard birds and hoping to someday start a tiny flock of quail!
  12. enigmachick

    Coop setup for quail total newbie?

    I would love some help, we are not allowed to have chickens but recently found out we should be able to have backyard quail! Since this is our only legal option, that's all we can do. If I had my first choice I would love bantams but I'm excited about quail too. I am a COMPLETE newbie, I had...
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