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  1. Chickstarrs

    Broody leaving eggs during lockdown

    I currently have a new broody hen sitting on 4 eggs on day 21. Is there a lockdown time for broodies? She has been getting off the nest every morning for about 15-20 minutes. My other broody never left the nest in the last week of incubation. I was surprised to see her off the nest these last...
  2. Chickstarrs

    Who's my Dad?

    I would like to figure out who the parents are of this young roo. He hatched from a pinkish egg on Sept 15. He may have had one long tail feather and lost it or I may be thinking of my other young roo who definitely has a long tail feather. The possible parents are pictured below. I am...
  3. Chickstarrs

    Christmas gift from my new girl

    My young silverudd blue gave me a Christmas present today. She finally decided to lay her first egg on Christmas Eve day in the middle of a blizzard! Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄🐓 Here it is beside my Ameraucana egg and a store bought white egg.
  4. Chickstarrs

    Christmas "Wreaths"

    I thought I would share with you the new wreaths I made for this year. It is fun creating them with different ribbons and embellishments.
  5. Chickstarrs

    Who's who under the broody?

    I am hatching a mix of eggs (2 Ameraucana, 2 Silverudd, 1 Welsummer X and 3 EE X) under my broody. I am wondering if anyone has any tips and tricks to determine which chick comes out of which egg. I have labled the eggs. Since the eggs are most likely to hatch under the broody and probably when...
  6. Chickstarrs

    Cd's really work

    So my DH laughed at me when I put the cd's up in the chicken run. "A little light listening for the chickens dear? 😂 " Well he discovered today that it was not just a silly idea. :tongue I went out to let the chickens out of the run to free range a little later than usual today. Good thing. When...
  7. Chickstarrs

    What does this poo mean?

    I found this dropping in the run yesterday. Are the round beads blood? It looks like it was pretty watery too. I have 26 chickens in three different age groups. Adults, 9 week olds and 7 week olds. I don't know who dropped it. They free range for a few hours every afternoon and also have...
  8. Chickstarrs

    hen abandoned chicks, will they need heat?

    My hen had been a wonderful mother until she abandoned her babes 2 days ago. They are 4 weeks old but still seem very small and not really feathered yet. They spent the last 2 nights by themselves huddled in a small pet crate that I covered with a thick blanket. It is supposed to go down to 9C...
  9. Chickstarrs

    Ornamental ponds, Yay or nay?

    I am thinking of putting an ornamental pond in my garden and am wondering how much work would I be creating for myself it I did this? I know that building it and setting it up would be the biggest job. What about general maintenance once it is up and running? I live in a cold climate and would...
  10. Chickstarrs

    Lice right?

    So I am guessing this is lice. My hen had several feathers matted like this under each wing. None of the others birds had any. Do I treat them as I would mites?
  11. Chickstarrs

    Would any of these products work for mites and lice?

    I have been unable to find most of the suggested products for lice and mites since I live outside the US. These products are what I have found. Would any of them be suitable? From my vet: It has .8% permethrin and .078%...
  12. Chickstarrs

    Mite dilemma - Ug! What to do? Pics

    Ug! What now?! :barnie So I just finished a treatment of Amprolium on my flock for coccidiosis. Spent a full day cleaning out the coop last week, washed it down with bleached water, fresh bedding and fresh clean sand on the poop boards. I have 15 rambunctious 2 1/2 week old chicks in my office...
  13. Chickstarrs

    What to do? Mixed set dates

    I will try not to make this too long. I have a young hen who went broody. I have not hatched eggs before but thought I would her a try. I collected a couple of eggs from my favourite little hen and gave them to my broody. I recieved a few EE eggs from a friend. I thought she was going to give me...
  14. Chickstarrs

    I cracked an egg! Is there any hope for it!

    I went to candle my hens eggs. In my haste to be quick, I tripped and lost two of them. One cracked completely open and the other is dented. Is there anyway to save the dented egg? Here is a picture. It is on day 10.
  15. Chickstarrs

    Excited for new chicks

    My brooder is all ready to go. I am excited to be picking up new chicks tomorrow. 5 Welsummers, 5 silver-laced wyandottes and 5 Easter Eggers. :wee
  16. Chickstarrs

    Picking up new chicks with long car ride

    I am picking up 15 one day-old chicks from a hatchery on Saturday. It is going to be a very long day since it will take up about 5 1/2 hours one way. The fellow at the hatchery says they will be fine with no extra heat. I am not so sure. Will they be fine without water or food too? What is the...
  17. Chickstarrs

    Pullet having trouble pooping

    My BA pullet seems to be having some trouble. Here is a video of her straining to poop. I thought she might be egg bound but her comb and wattles are not fully formed so I don't think she is ready for that yet. She is 20 weeks old. Here is a picture of what she pooped during the video. My...
  18. Chickstarrs

    Marek's: The death of my chicken dreams?

    I am very discouraged. I had plans for my chickens that now seem dead. :( I just started with my flock this spring. I had plans to build my little flock with certain breeds, then close it and raise my own chicks. I wanted colourful eggs; for my family, to sell and to donate to charitable groups...
  19. Chickstarrs

    Visitors: Wild turkey meets Big Red

    My little flock had some visitors this evening. There has been a flock of 20+ wild turkeys on our property for the last week or so. They range during the day in the woods and nearby fields, then wander across our property and roost in our trees at night. Today, one was quite interested in my...
  20. Chickstarrs

    Integration timing

    I lost a couple of my pullets and am thinking of replacing them before winter so that I have enough eggs over the cold months. Is Fall a good time to integrate? We are getting into the colder wet weather and I do not have a second coop to quarantine. I can put a dog crate inside my present coop...
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