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  • Users: Guernsy
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  1. Guernsy

    Automatic doors

    Hello I have 10 chickens and 4 ducks (two pekin and 2 black runners). They share a somewhat decent coop run but have their own coops for the night. Chicken and ducks have their own coops that lead into the coop run. The chickens have an automatic door that has been broken (it was a cheap amazon...
  2. Guernsy

    Cleaning my coop - advice

    Hi My ducks and chickens (4 ducks and 10 chickens) live somewhat together. The chickens have their own coop with nesting boxes and roosting bars and the ducks also have a little coop across from them. They are connected by an enclosed run. Early in the morning around 7:30 I will let the ducks...
  3. Guernsy

    Duck egg question

    My ducks started laying eggs. I can not figure out which duck is laying what egg, but I guess that doesn't really matter. First I had two eggs, then I had one egg every day, now I have two eggs again. The shape is slightly different, therefore, I have the feeling that one egg must be coming...
  4. Guernsy

    Broken eggs in coop in the morning

    My hens are young and just started laying. I have 10 hens and they are about three weeks in age apart. I have been getting about 4-5 eggs a day. At the beginning we had a couple of soft ones, however, after switching feed and giving oyster shells that went away. In the past three days, I found...
  5. Guernsy

    My female pekin ducks are mating....

    I have 2 Pekin and 2 black runners. As of now, I thought they were all female. They are super loud, almost too loud (my neighbors hate me). I always thought that male ducks would have a curled feather on their tail and have a different "quack". Anyway, the last two days, I noticed that one of...
  6. Guernsy

    Are redwood trees poisonous to chickens and ducks

    During our last big storm one of our big redwood trees came down. Now there is only a big stump left. However, it looks like it is still alive and new branches are coming out. At the beginning we had that area blocked off. Now the temporary fence broke down and the ducks and chickens have access...
  7. Guernsy

    DIY no mud duck waterer - need some help

    Hi As earlier discussed here, we all know, that ducks are a muddy mess, especially when it comes to water. Therefore, I have been trying to find a waterer system for them, that doesn't turn into mud within 5 min. I have several dished out for them, most of them are situated on top of pavers or...
  8. Guernsy

    At what age do ducks start laying eggs and will they let you know?

    I have two Pekin ducks and two black runners. Pekins are almost 10 weeks and runners are almost 8 weeks old. When do they start laying eggs? Will they let you know when they are ready? Do they need nesting boxes or would they prefer one? I have read that some ducks just drop or even bury their...
  9. Guernsy

    Do you chop their food

    Sorry one more question, while I am at it. Sorry, as I said, I am new and I have a million questions. Do you chop up their veggies so that the chickens and ducks can swallow it better? They don't have teeth. It seems like I am in the kitchens making them salads every day. My husband thinks I am...
  10. Guernsy

    Feeding schedule

    Hello I am a pretty new chicken and duck owner. 10 chickens and 4 ducks (2 Pekins and 2 black runners). They are all still pretty young and not laying at all. The chickens are between 5 and 8 weeks old (give or take) and the ducks are between 5 and 7 weeks old. So far I have been winging it and...
  11. Guernsy

    How to train my lab not to chase my chickens

    I have an older choc. lab, that likes to play/chase my chicks. She is nine years old and used to be a hunting dog.....I know, enough said. When we got the baby chicks and ducklings we introduced her to them and kept telling her, that those are "Mine" and that she have to "Leave it". Those are...
  12. Guernsy

    Filter for duck DYI pond

    This is like a never-ending story.... Since I live in CA, water is scarce and cleaning and refilling the kiddie pool every other day due to dirty duck water is not really water conscious. Besides it is a lot of work. We do use the dirty water to water our planters, yet it is way more water than...
  13. Guernsy

    Duck pond questions

    Hello So, I have ducks, 4 of them. Right now I have a kiddy pool and about 4 large round water dishes for them to play in. It is a lot of work and water to clean every day, especially if you live in CA and water is expensive. I have read some of your posts about trying to fix up a duck pond like...
  14. Guernsy

    Introduction to my crazy flock

    Hello, My name is Julia and I am originally from Germany and grew up in a large city. Therefore, I never had chickens nor any farm animals. I never even had a dog. Now, we have a dog (choc. lab), two guinea pigs, 4 ducks (two Peking, two black runners) and 10 chickens (7weeks old as of today)...
  15. Guernsy

    Automatic door for ducks?

    Hi I have an automatic chicken door and my almost 7-week old chicks are finally figuring out when to turn into the coop by themselves so I can actually use it. However, I also have ducks (in a separate pen) that are also learning to "go to bed" when the chickens go to bed. However, they are...
  16. Guernsy

    How and how often should you clean Peking ducks?

    Hello I have 10 chickens and 4 ducks. Two of the ducks are 6 week old pekings that are very large already. They seem to be hungry all day long. The other two ducks are black runners are do not share the same coop with the Pekings. I read in my research to use straw as bedding for the ducks and...
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