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  1. Pentatonchix

    Scabs on Wattle?

    My buff has some scabbing on her wattle. What do you think it is? Thank you.
  2. Pentatonchix

    Broken Feathers on EE?

    Hello All, Around a week ago, I saw that some of my EE's back neck feathers were broken. The other hens peck at her muffs, but I don't know how they could get to these feathers, as they are hidden by other feathers. Here are some pictures: Thank you! P
  3. Pentatonchix

    liquid coming out of mouth of EE

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) 10 month old EE who is feeling slightly lighter than normal. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. water-like liquid coming out of her mouth when she opened her mouth to eat. Her comb is...
  4. Pentatonchix

    Ducklings Showed Up?

    I'm just going to get straight to the point: two ducklings were following my neighbors on a walk and they asked us for help (we have chickens). They called animal control but until then I need to take care of them. I set two dishes of water and a dish of my chickens' layer feed for now. We have...
  5. Pentatonchix

    Photo Bomb!

    I was trying to get a nice picture of my EE, when my diva BO photobombed! @EverV it looks kind of like your pfp!
  6. Pentatonchix

    EE not moving

    Hello All, I went to see the chicks today and saw my 2nd to the bottom of the pecking order 8.5 month old EE standing still under the lemon tree. She usually comes up to me and sometimes jumps on my back. We fed her a small handful of mealworms and then offered more later, but she didn't eat...
  7. Pentatonchix

    hen attacked, small bump and large bald spot (TW: bald spot)

    Hey BYC! As I mentioned on the title, one of my hens was attacked yesterday by something (we think maybe hawk or cat) and lost around 100 feathers on the lower back (and some on the tail). When we examined her, I saw a bump on the bottom of the bald spot. There is a small cut on the middle, but...
  8. Pentatonchix

    Swollen "Cheek"?? Is she okay?

    Today has been really rainy today and when I brought Runt inside, I saw this swollen part on her cheek. It sticks out more than it looks and there are no feathers there. Is she okay? What should I do? I'm really worried... Thanks, PM
  9. Pentatonchix

    Happy Holidays from Chippy!

    Hi Everyone, Merry Christmas! Chippy has quite the santa beard!
  10. Pentatonchix

    Finally Introducing Myself!

    I've been on here for a while (well, a couple of months) and I've never gotten to introducing myself to y'all!'s this. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my first chicks at the end of May. It was kind of an impulse buy...we call them our...
  11. Pentatonchix

    Buff Orpington Names

    Hey Everyone, I am a proud owner of a Buff Orpington. As a chick, we decided to name her Buffy, thinking it would be a somewhat original name. Well, obviously we were wrong. How many Buff Orpington owners are here that have a Buffy?
  12. Pentatonchix

    How To Get Your Chickens To Like You?

    Hey everyone, I have five 17 week old chicks. A couple of them are really sweet and playful, but a couple of them run away from me. I have been giving them mealworms as treats, but only after carrying them to try and get them to like being held. It hasn't worked very well on a couple of them...
  13. Pentatonchix

    When to Open Nesting Boxes? (also, what type of fake egg)

    Hey Everyone,:frow I have five chicks who just turned 16 weeks old yesterday. In our coop, we have blocked off the nesting boxes (so the chickies don't go in and sleep or poop). When should we unblock them and fill them with shavings? Also, what should we put inside so the chicks know where to...
  14. Pentatonchix

    Easter Egger Eggs?

    Hey Everyone, I have two easter egger pullets (see profile picture) who are exactly 16 weeks old. I am really excited about their eggs. Could anyone with easter eggers share some eggs? I would love to see the variety of colors! Also, at what age did they start laying? Thanks!
  15. Pentatonchix

    Type of Easter Egger??

    Hey, I recently got a chick labeled as an easter egger, but I haven't found any pictures of chickens that look like her. Most pictures are brown easter eggers. Do you know which type of easter egger she could be? She was born at the very end of May.
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