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  1. B

    Gosling hatching advice

    Hi guys, So one of the goose eggs I had put with a broody chook and thought had died started tapping today, so I put it back with the geese. I do however have the following problems:- The mother (Daisy)of the 4 week old gosling we have has showed no interest in the egg, one of the other girls...
  2. B

    Gosling advice

    Hi guys, So despite the sudden death of our 3 month old gosling Barnaby last year, I decided that the time was right to let Daisy (the dominant goose of the group) keep an egg and hatch a new member of the family. Last time I gave the fertitilised goose eggs to my broody chooks as the geese...
  3. B

    Sudden gosling death

    Hi all, So a little while ago I posted a Q about putting geese eggs with broody chickens to hatch, as my geese were forever bashing their eggs around in their house. The positive news is that 2 goslings hatched to their surrogate chook mums, one was thriving (Barnaby) sadly the other died...
  4. B

    Chooks looking after goose eggs

    Hi guys, So for the last few months I've had around 4 chooks that have been broody. As I currently don't want any new chicks from our current group of chooks and my geese are being not-so-great mums, I decided I'd give a goose egg to one of the chooks to look after. Has anyone ever tried...
  5. B

    Beak bruising/cuts

    Hi - so I have a group of 5 geese, comprising of one gander (Gustavo) and 4 girls (Gertrude, Primrose, Daisy and Pip). The hierachy is now well established with Daisy top of the food chain, and she can be a bit brutal with the other girls, but today when I came home from work I noticed that 3...
  6. B

    Problematic aggressive Gander

    So around March time we were given a goose (5 years old) and her two babies who were around 4-5 weeks at the time. We mixed them with our hens (carefully at the time, of course) and then when I had the time I moved them to their own patch, which they are enjoying immensely. The problem is...
  7. B

    Help with breeds and sexing

    So here is a selection of my chooks, I doubt any of them are a particular pure breed.... I was quite interested though in what people thought the 2 chicks could be. I get thd impression the are young cockerels going on the reaction if the rest of the flock to them - they have always seemed to...
  8. B


    Hi all, so as I have just joined officially (I have been browsing the forums for a while now) I thought I'd introduce myself prior to starting to fire questions at everyone :D (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens for just over a year now, and just...
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