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  1. Barredrocker99

    is backyard chickens dying out or am I just SOL?

    Is this website dying out? Last year I had to come on here several times for issues with my chickens(I was a new coop mom, so every little thing scared me) but I ALWAYS got responses super fast. Like at least three in just minutes. Now I have to wait hours for even one response, and sometimes...
  2. Barredrocker99

    I think my barred rock is dying, please help

    Hello! I desperately need help. I have a Barred Rock that I believe is laying internally, and I don’t know what to do. I discovered she wasn’t doing well when I picked her up and her abdomen was as hard as a softball. I tried to feel around in her vent, and I’m honestly not sure what I felt. The...
  3. Barredrocker99

    Egg mites?? Egg bound hen??

    Hello all. Recently I posted about a leghorn I had who was exhibiting signs of being egg bound, and was laying soft shelled eggs. After an epsom salt bath and some calcium, she was laying eggs again and is back to her usual self. Another one of my chickens, a BR, is now seeming quite bound up...
  4. Barredrocker99

    White Leghorn laying soft shell eggs and has very swollen vent.

    I need help :( over the last two or so days I’ve noticed my White Leghorns wings have been drooping and she keeps falling asleep in the middle of the day, and just overall doesn’t look great. I’ve been finding one egg nearly everyday that doesn’t have a hard shell… I’d say for probably the last...
  5. Barredrocker99

    What’s wrong with my leghorn?? **WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES**

    I need help :( over the last two or so days I’ve noticed my White Leghorns wings have been drooping and she keeps falling asleep in the middle of the day, and just overall doesn’t look great. I’ve been finding one egg nearly everyday that doesn’t have a hard shell… I’d say for probably the last...
  6. Barredrocker99

    Egg with no shell at all?

    Hey all! With the colder weather approaching, a couple of my girls are going through some pretty gnarly molting. One of my Easter eggers hasn’t been laying for the last couple weeks(I know this because she is the only one out of 16 chickens who lays very light brown eggs) due to her molt. Two...
  7. Barredrocker99

    Laying while molting?

    Hey all! With the colder weather approaching, a couple of my girls are going through some pretty gnarly molting. One of my Easter eggers hasn’t been laying for the last couple weeks(I know this because she is the only one out of 16 chickens who lays very light brown eggs) due to her molt. Two...
  8. Barredrocker99

    What is digging into my coop???

    Help!!! I went out to get my chickens all stocked up with food and water before I go to my family’s house a few hours away for three days… when I went in the coop I noticed a hole had been dug in from the outside. Honestly, I feel like a moron for not noticing this sooner… my dog has been...
  9. Barredrocker99

    Chicks first night in coop

    I have some new chicks that are about five and a half weeks old. They’ve been staying in my room with me since I got them, but what I had them in was getting a bit too small for them. I put them in the run tonight with the big girls in a dog crate. I’m going to introduce them using the playpen...
  10. Barredrocker99

    Sour crop

    Hello all! I hope all your feathery friends and yourselves are having a lovely day! I have an EE(Gurdy... ironic!) who I believe has sour crop. She’s always been very friendly, so when she came up to me yesterday and I picked her up, nothing seemed out of the norm. That is until a very sour...
  11. Barredrocker99

    Broody hen... new chicks?

    I just recenently got six new chicks, to add to my flock of ten chickens, all a year old. I was going to acclimate them using the playpen method, as I’ve heard of that working really well. I went out to get the eggs this morning, and one of my hens is broody! This is the first time any of them...
  12. Barredrocker99

    New additions!!!

    So thrilled to introduce our flock’s six newest members! (3 Jersey Giants & 3 Buff Orpingtons)
  13. Barredrocker99

    New additions to the flock!

    So thrilled to welcome 6 new girls (3 jersey giants & 3 buff orpingtons) to the flock!!!
  14. Barredrocker99

    Chickens paralyzed from fear?

    Hello all! I have a flock of ten hens, and everyday I let them free range in my yard all day until they’re ready to go inside the coop. I live in the middle of the woods in Massachusetts, so naturally there are predators, though we have a dog that spends most of her time outside with them, so...
  15. Barredrocker99

    Integrating chicks into a flock?

    Hello all!! I have ten hens, they’re all pullets, and they’re absolutely lovely! I would love to add to the flock, though. How would the chickens fare if I got some new chicks? I know a lot of the time when you add new chickens to a flock that has already established a pecking order and whatnot...
  16. Barredrocker99

    Not sure what’s on my white leghorns egg?

    I know pullets are prone to having abnormal eggs every now and then, but I was wondering if anyone knows what’s on this egg that one of my White Leghorns laid? It looks very similar to cooked yolk(lol). It’s not attached to the egg, and I was able to just wash it off with warm water. I’m not...
  17. Barredrocker99

    All of my hens have stopped laying eggs?

    I have 10 hens, and they’re about 7 months old. I was getting eggs from just about all of them daily, and for the last few days they’ve all just stopped laying. I’ve gotten about four eggs total in the last four days. It’s definitely getting colder here, could that be the reason, or is it...
  18. Barredrocker99

    Post impacted crop surgery

    Hey guys!!! So I recently had to do impacted crop surgery on one of my beautiful BR. It’s been about five days since the surgery, and she’s doing really really well. She’s been eating all the scrambled eggs I give her(not too much, just small portions with probiotics mixed in), drinking lots of...
  19. Barredrocker99

    Crop surgery

    Hello!! Regarding my BR that has not seemed to be doing well, I have discovered her crop is definitely impacted. It is about the size of a tennis ball, hard as a rock, and not emptying at night. I could not induce vomiting, and I don’t want to try again as the mass in her crop feels quite large...
  20. Barredrocker99

    What’s wrong with my hen?

    This is all regarding my last couple of posts about a sick(?) BR: I still have no idea what’s wrong with my hen, and I’m afraid of not finding out until it’s too late. She’s been relatively lethargic...
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