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  1. ChickenMom04

    What’s up with these duck eggs?

    I have 3 female khaki campbell ducks, only a year old, and recently I’ve noticed they’re laying a lot of twin eggs. They’re very small ducks, so the eggs are nearly the size of their heads :rolleyes: Just wondering what might cause this, considering about 70% of the eggs are twins. The ducks are...
  2. ChickenMom04

    Anyone know how to help sore goat hooves?

    My goat Calvin has been experiencing issues with his front hooves for ages. A few months ago we had a vet come check him out and they gave him antibiotics for a UTI (UTI may have caused some of the walking issues before, but it’s cleared up now) and said his hoof soreness was something that...
  3. ChickenMom04

    Should my EE hen still be this small?

    I have a one year old EE hen and I noticed she’s considerably smaller than my other hens. She was hatched as a runt and had to be nursed back to health as she was a much weaker and smaller chick. Is this normal? She’s very talkative and energetic, and eats fine. I can’t tell if she’s been laying...
  4. ChickenMom04

    End of life?

    I have a 5 and a half year old hen who’s been acting lazy for the past couple weeks. It started as roosting earlier than the others, and progressed slowly to sitting on the floor in her nest, not moving with her head tucked under her wing. She’s still breathing, but hardly flinches when I touch...
  5. ChickenMom04

    Year old EE limping

    My EE hen has been limping lately and holding her foot up when standing. I picked her up to check for bumblefoot but there’s no bumps or scabs. I did notice her toe seems to be crooked and could be broken. As you can see there is a small bump over the joint, but I don’t think it’s related to...
  6. ChickenMom04

    What’s wrong with my goat?

    My 3 year old goat has recently been walking with very stiff legs, waddling, keeping his head down, and sitting frequently. He’s a fixed Pygmy male. (Black goat with brown stripes on head) He also seems to always sit with one leg extended as seen here: Or down on his knees like this: he’s...
  7. ChickenMom04

    How to protect ducks from hawks?

    I have three young female ducklings (only a couple months old I think) and we need to move them outside before their indoor pen becomes too small for them. So far, our idea for the setup will include a duck house with their food and water inside, netting covering the super exposed area, a tree...
  8. ChickenMom04

    Hen recovered from sour crop, now she’s being bullied!

    I had a hen who had sour crop about 2 weeks ago. It was BAD. Eventually though we were able to help her recover and she was acting completely normal again. Today we put her in with the rest of the flock and she seemed okay. Tonight I checked on her and she has her wings and tail down, acting...
  9. ChickenMom04

    Ducks getting brooder wet and gross

    I have 3 two week old ducklings and we’ve been trying to figure out how to fix an issue with the amount of mess they’re creating in the brooder. It’s almost time to move them to a bigger pen, but for now we have one runt that needs to stay in the brooder a little longer so we’re giving it a...
  10. ChickenMom04

    New ducklings!! Tips?

    I have 3 khaki Campbell 2 week old babies on their way! So far we’ve been setting up for their arrival and I needed a bit of advice. It’s been 3 years since I’ve received new ducklings and I don’t want to mess up! 1.) is straw okay for bedding? I’ve always used shavings but our shipment is...
  11. ChickenMom04

    Hen laying eggs with calcium deposits?

    I recently adopted a hen from a family who couldn’t care for her anymore. They told us she would sometimes lay “weird” eggs, but she was fine for a good while after we got her home. Her eggs had strong shells with the minor imperfection of a few bumps. Lately I’ve been collecting weak shelled...
  12. ChickenMom04

    Next steps with sour crop?

    I had already posted a thread on this, but it got buried by the others so I figured I’d try a fresh one. Our 4 year old hen has a very full, very squishy crop. She also smells of sauerkraut and has a pasty butt. We sat her in a tub of warm water last night to clean up her rear and unstick (most)...
  13. ChickenMom04

    Sour crop?? (Poop and vent pics included)

    My 3 year old hen was acting very lethargic upon checking up on her tonight. She was perched outside but when I approached her with the intention of guiding her back inside for the night, she didn’t move. She’s usually very skittish. I picked her up and felt that her crop was very soft, almost...
  14. ChickenMom04

    Why is my young hen limping?

    This is Queso. She’s about a year or less and I noticed she isn’t putting full weight on her foot this morning. I fed the rest of my flock and she seemed to hang back since one of my other hens was going after her when she got close to the food. Then she hobbled away and sat inside. She was fine...
  15. ChickenMom04

    Duck eye injured, help please! (Second post since first one wasn’t answered)

    GRAPHIC PICS! Here is my duck Andy 3 days ago after somehow injuring his eye:His pupil was dilated and he appeared to not be able to see out of the injured eye. However this may have been due to the excess moisture, gunk, and blood that was covering the wound. We cleaned as much of it as we...
  16. ChickenMom04

    Punctured or scratched eye?? (Graphic pics)

    One day after our hen died, another problem arose, of course. We found our duck Bandit today with blood dripping down his face and his eye half closed. His mate died a year ago so he has been our lone duck for a while. However sometimes he likes to fly into our goat’s pen and hang out with...
  17. ChickenMom04

    Hen not feeling well-eyes closed and lethargic

    One of my hens was acting strange yesterday afternoon. She’s usually very sassy and runs around, but she was hunched in a corner with her feathers puffed up and her eyes closed. She didn’t move when we picked her up, so we took her into the house to warm her up. It’s been in the -20s lately but...
  18. ChickenMom04

    Can chickens be depressed? And Calcium deposits in eggs.

    We have had a flock of 8 older chickens and 3 younger ones (under a year) for a while now. Recently we saw an ad giving away one female EE hen, and figured we’d take her since we are planning on getting more hens next year anyway. The woman who owned her has 2 young sons and 4 chickens who are...
  19. ChickenMom04

    Next steps with bumblefoot treatment (photos)

    Hello. My golden laced hen has bumbles on both feet, one large and hard and the other more minor. We soaked her feet in Epsom salts and then pulled out the plug of the more urgent bumble, although we were only able to get a small amount of stuff out. (Picture below) It began to bleed so we...
  20. ChickenMom04

    Bad bumblefoot, how to treat? (Images)

    My hen Rose seems to have gotten bumblefoot while I was on vacation for a week. Her caretakers must not have noticed because it seems bad like it’s been there a while. She isn’t limping or favoring one foot, and is continuing to cluck and eat normally. there is a clear scab on the bottom and...
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