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  • Users: JCinNM
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  1. JCinNM

    What breed please? (part two)

    What breed please? Purchased at TSC on 3/24 from a bin labeled “Gray _____”. Can’t remember the name. Look at those goofy toes. Black beak? (Just so you know I despise having to buy from TSC. I live outside of a SMALL town that’s hours and hours away from everything. And it’s very hard to...
  2. JCinNM

    What breed please

    Purchase at TSC on 3/24 because I had to buy 4. For the life of me I can’t remember what the sign said. I think it was “Gray _____”.
  3. JCinNM

    Quality heat shrink bags?

    What brand of heat shrink bags do you recommend?
  4. JCinNM

    Heat shrink vs. vacuum seal

    We don’t freeze our chickens whole. And I am wondering which method is better. Having concerns that the shrink wrap isn’t as thick/durable as vac seal bags. What do you think is better? Or maybe just go back to the old plastic and butcher paper? (Yes I know about poking holes in shrink wrap...
  5. JCinNM

    Beit Alpha cucumbers

    Does anyone here grow Beit Alpha cucumbers? I have a couple questions about BA growing/flowering habits. Not just any cucumber plant but specifically the BA. Thanks!
  6. JCinNM

    How early do chicks start to crow?

    Here is a video my friend sent me. The white one makes an odd sound. After watching and listening at least 50 times my brain went numb. It “looks” like a crow but really not sure about the sound. I have heard lots of young cockerels learn to crow. My imagination? She is going to send me...
  7. JCinNM

    Leg bands and spurs

    Should the bands be placed above or below the spur? Does it need to be switched ASAP or can it wait until the next time I catch him? They are both sweet, kind boys but I don’t want to emasculate(?) them unnecessarily.
  8. JCinNM

    Need desert composting book

    So I used to live in Wyoming and had fantastic veg and flower gardens. Composting was so simple! Now I live in the far SE corner of New Mexico, Chihuahuan Desert. My piles just sit there and won’t break down. My tumbler does okay with kitchen scrap so I put my chicken manure in 55 gal garbage...
  9. JCinNM

    Lights that slowly dim before turning off?

    Is there such a thing? What are they called so I can search for them? I want to keep the lights on in the coop for an extra hour after sunset. But worried the chickens can’t see well enough in the dark to get on the roost. If the lights slowly dimmed over 5-10 minutes before turning off that...
  10. JCinNM

    Note to self…

    After spending all day cleaning the chicken run AND all the lawn furniture, tables, cushions as well as the sidewalks and large planters of chicken poop… …don’t feed the chickens dark cherries!!!
  11. JCinNM

    Rooster scolding hen?

    Can a rooster scold a hen for bad behavior? I was carrying one of my lap hens. When I put her on the ground my rooster (he’s a nice guy) grabbed her neck feathers. She, of course started squalling and tried to get away. I gave it a couple seconds to resolve but finally broke it up and they...
  12. JCinNM

    Pullet honking like a goose

    My 10 week old Barred Rock pullet doesn’t sound right. Seems kinda young for her voice to change. Her eyes and sinuses are not runny. No sneezing. No new birds except the ever present wild doves. She seems happy and healthy. Eating, drinking, pooping, and lap sitting are all normal. Coop is...
  13. JCinNM

    Mouse vs chicks

    So yesterday there was a young mouse in the coop. There were also eight 6 week old chicks in the coop. I tried to quickly catch the mouse by the tail but the pine shavings prevented a good grab. A couple chicks saw the mouse and BAM it was curtains for that poor young mouse. The chick had it...
  14. JCinNM

    No feathers at 4 weeks

    I have a BBS Orp chick that is still fuzzy/downy. She has some wing feathers growing in slowly. Healthy, zooms about, chest bumping, eating, drinking, pooping just like the rest of the chicks. Just no feathers. Purina chick starter non-medicated. Purchased from MyPetChicken and arrived...
  15. JCinNM


    Jack, draw me like one of your french girls.
  16. JCinNM

    How to heat mealworm farm?

    So in all my mealworm research I’ve learned that you get MANY more mealworms in 1/2 to 1/4 of the time if the colony is kept 77-82 degrees and 70% humidity. Yes, I know you can raise them at room temp but that means it would take 6 months before harvesting the first full sized mealworms. I want...
  17. JCinNM

    Poop reference chart

    Is there a poop chart we can use for reference? I found two strange ones yesterday. Very big. Both like this. Don’t know who it belongs to since they all had clean bottoms. Everyone healthy and happy.
  18. JCinNM

    Quality mealworms? (TSC, Walmart, Grubblies)

    Ya know the scares we get every couple years regarding dog treats and toys and food? I was wondering if there is a “safer” brand of dried mealworms? I don’t know all the things that could go wrong in the growing, feeding, drying, packaging of mealworms. I have always been nervous buying things...
  19. JCinNM

    Cinnamon Queens from Cackle

    Does anyone have Cinnamon Queen chickens from Cackle hatchery? They sound amazing and are supposed to do well in hot areas. I live in the far SE corner of New Mexico so heat can be an issue. High egg production. Not broody. Friendly. Dual purpose. What was your experience with this...
  20. JCinNM

    Ravenous Hen

    So my adopted EE (OE?) just started laying. I’ve been feeding all flock because I didn’t think my pullets would start laying for another month or so since it is winter. I immediately put out oyster shell and she really gobbled it up! (Ooo yummy white rocks, mmm mmm.) But she is acting...
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