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  • Users: Ema
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  1. Ema

    one Hen dead, need help identifying

    Its been a while since I've been on, haven't had any issues at all until this morning. now I did not take pics because my kids were running up behind me and did not want them to see the chicken laying there. the neck was broken, head and crop were intact, but chicken had flesh missing from...
  2. Ema

    chick hatched, day early, first hatch EVER

    lockdown was yesterday I used dry incubation method because the last incubation we tried nothing hatched, we thought the dry method might work and lo and behold I am home sick with the flu and I hear peeping from the incubator. Hatch day is tomorrow night and I looked and there is a beautiful...
  3. Ema

    incubator hot/cool spots

    My dh built me an incubator made from a cooler, the big blue and white ones they sell at wally mart. well he was trying to surprise me for xmas and he had eggs incubating in it when he brought it up xmas day. the temp was a steady 99.5 and the humidity was pretty steady to but the hatch went...
  4. Ema

    2 flocks, both duds, can't decide what to do!!

    I have 2 different flocks, my first flock of rhode Island reds I got summer of 2010 and they laid incredibly well from september 2010 until about june 2011, I would say 18 of the 21 were laying, but then in june when they should have been laying better than in the winter one by one ceased...
  5. Ema

    Xmas and why I suddenly feel like the grinch!!

    It wasn't long ago that the topic about how much money to spend on Xmas gifts on the kids came up in our family, via livechat cam (we live far from the family so we get to see each other this way and chat). The topic was started by my sister in law, which was very surprising to me and my husband...
  6. Ema

    rescued duck and 2 tiny chickens HELP

    I got a call at work today, In regards to a Muscovy duck and a couple tiny chickens who needed an immediate home. Apparently, after our canadian thanksgiving holiday, word got around about our farm, I sold all of our turkeys in a matter of hours, and so people spread the word about our tiny...
  7. Ema

    Need Advice plz!!

    On Sundays I have my customers that come by and get their weekly eggs. I have had this one customer for a long time, Outside from chit chatting for 30 minutes each sunday I don't really know her and her family but I have been to her house many times when she could not make it to my house on...
  8. Ema

    First time processing - great difficulties and then SUCCESS!!

    So today we had planned on processing a few birds, they are DP's. and almost 17 weeks old. we watched and went through a lot of step by step instructions/videos and we definitely thought we had this in the bag. We got all set up and the troubles started as soon as we grabbed our first bird...
  9. Ema

    Anyone ever keep BBW for pets/reproduction of flock??

    can I keep a male and 2 females to reproduce and get more turkeys, or am I just dreaming??? I realize now I should have gotten BBB and that would have taken the guess work out of everything. so if its not possible I will go with those next spring. I love these turkeys though, they follow me...
  10. Ema

    What do I package my birds in??

    SO I am looking to process for the first time since getting poultry and I know Shrink bags are the bags of choice when packaging. Sadly though the place I found here in Ontario Canada will only ship in bulk and can we say how ridiculous the price is!!!! So I am looking for options and need help...
  11. Ema

    coop/run can't keep up with the stink!!!!

    So I didn't have an issue at all until about july, its been rather wet this summer. And Dh and I clean out coops and runs every sunday, we use DE and fresh straw, we disinfect all waterers and feeders as well. But nothing we do is getting rid of the smell in the coops or the runs. they free...
  12. Ema

    RIR hen died after laying egg!!!

    I have been going through the forum in order to find what the cause of this is. My 14 month old RIR who has never been sick and has been laying perfectly fine since she began laying last september laid a heavily blood covered egg and then died. I found her in the run when I went to collect the...
  13. Ema

    more sick babies, REALLY need some help this time!!!!

    last week I filled out the questionnaire about a sick 7 week old pullet I had, I didn't really get any responses other than for one. I did everything I could for her but after several days she was doing worse, flapping about like she was having seizures and refused all food and water. She was so...
  14. Ema

    7 wk old pullet Ill, need help~UPDATE

    1) What type of bird , age and weight. Golden Comet, 7 weeks old, and I am not sure about the weight but she is pretty small still. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. not eating, drinking, extremely weak, laying to one side, not walking, tries to sit on hocks but slides to one side. 3) How...
  15. Ema

    HUGE mosquito Prob in Chick coop, Need help!!

    I got 40 chicks and 11 turkey poults in the juvenile coop, the last few nights the mosquitoes have been absolutely ridiculous, but tonight they are worse than ever, when I say worse I mean the walls in the barn, the big girl coop and the juvenile coop are covered like a thick blanket. tonight...
  16. Ema

    Canadian Postal Strike is certainly having its toll!!

    Back in may, before I even had a clue that the postal service may be disrupted by a strike I placed my order for 45 new chicks and 11 turkeys. However not really trusting our mail workers due to past incidences with live cargo I decided to pay the 30 dollars for the truck delivery to the Ranch...
  17. Ema

    Hen is changing appearance looking like Roo

    I have 21 Rhode Island Reds and a few months back I had a hen that suddenly stopped laying everyday, it went to about every other day, then every three days, and now nothing, I get 20 eggs per day without fail now. Because I have been working a lot dh has been caring for the girls, well 2 days...
  18. Ema

    3yr old bday dilemma Opinions wanted plz

    My Ds is turning 3 on the 20th, My neighbours daughter is turning 3 on the 19th. My Neighbour sent me an invite via facebook and said she really hoped to see us there. Anyhow we got to talking and I mentioned how it would be great to have a joined bday party for both kids, I was simply seeing it...
  19. Ema

    persistent cold/flu virus??? Anyone else..

    I am wondering if anyone else is dealing with a very persistent, medication resistant cold or flu virus?? I know its flu season, but this is just ridiculous. I got sick before Xmas and though it was persistent with me I only had a few bad days, but until around the 20th if February I was...
  20. Ema

    RIR egg laying is all out of whack :he

    My 9 month old RIR (21) began laying mid september and the first couple eggs were super tiny, then all of a sudden the eggs got huge, I mean too big sometimes to fit in the jumbo cartons. the last couple weeks I have been noticing the eggs are getting smaller, which is no big deal cause well...
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