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  1. Anonymous Chicken

    abandoned egg

    One of our broody hens has abandoned her egg. I believe the egg is at least 14 days old. All I have is a heating pad, a brooder, and a digital kitchen thermometer. Is there anything I can do to help save the egg? Thank you!
  2. Anonymous Chicken

    Rooster with Bright Red Skin

    Hello, I have recently noticed that the skin of my rooster, Rocky (15 months old), is much redder than I have ever seen on a chicken, and it does not seem normal. It is a bit rough, chapped and unhealthy looking. The redness is the most pronounced in the vent/abdomen area, and the only place...
  3. Anonymous Chicken

    chick with injured leg.

    Hello~ I'd like some advice regarding a chick that is 4 days old. We had to remove her from the mother hen because she was stepped on by the hen and her leg was injured. This was yesterday (6/20). We're not sure if it's broken, out of the socket or just painful. She is holding up her leg in a...
  4. Anonymous Chicken

    Rooster with Swollen, Leaking Eye

    Hi, When I fed the chickens this morning I noticed that one of our rooster's eyes was swollen and leaking a clear fluid. The lid was almost all the way shut. The other eye seems to be fine. Does anyone have any idea of what this could be and what I should do? :( Thank you!
  5. Anonymous Chicken

    How to bring a hen out of lay?

    Hello, We have a special needs RIR pullet who is having a very hard time laying eggs. All of the pullets (RIR) that we bought her with started laying at four months, but she started laying at eight months. (She's also smaller than the other pullets.) She's laid two eggs so far. The first...
  6. Anonymous Chicken

    Turkey hen with bloated crop; not eating much; lethargic

    Hello, We have a 1 1/2 your old Broad Breasted White that has been acting off for the past two days. Her symptoms are a puffy, bubble-like crop, drastically decreased appetite, lethargic behavior, and her recent stool has been moss green with white cottage cheese-like globs in it. She's been...
  7. Anonymous Chicken

    Should I be worried?

    Hello everyone, hope you're enjoying your Sunday! I just came back in from spending some time with our hens and turkeys. While I was outside, one of our hens walked up to me, paused, let a trail of saliva stream out of her beak, and started again on her way. I've never seen her do that...
  8. Anonymous Chicken

    Turkey Laryngitis?

    Hello, Not sure if this is something to be concerned about, or if anyone has experienced this, but one of our pet Broad Breasted White turkeys has developed a raspy bark, borderline laryngitis sounding. Opinions? Has anyone experienced this? Thanks in advance for any help!
  9. Anonymous Chicken

    Piled up droppings?

    Hello, Has anyone experienced droppings sticking to their chicken's vent feathers? We have some very fluffy chickens and a few are experiencing this. We don't think it's vent gleet because it just looks like normal droppings piling up. Just wanted to double check with others to make sure...
  10. Anonymous Chicken

    Tiny black bugs??

    Hello, A few days ago we noticed a lot of tiny black bugs on various surfaces in our house. Could they be coming from our chickens? Has anyone else had these? (We currently have snow on the ground.) Thanks!
  11. Anonymous Chicken

    Cornish Cross with hurt leg?

    Hello, One of our Cornish Cross chickens has a problem with her leg. She can move it, she just isn't using it. We woke up yesterday morning and it was like that. We have her inside so we can monitor her. We're hoping with time and rest her leg might heal, but we don't know what happened...
  12. Anonymous Chicken

    Anyone use coop cameras?

    Hello! Just wondering if anyone used cameras in their coops to monitor their birds and if so, what kinds they use or prefer?
  13. Anonymous Chicken

    Poultry magazine suggestions?

    Hello! I probably posted this in the wrong area, but does anyone have any suggestions on good chicken/poultry or homesteading magazines? What are the bad ones out there? I've heard negative things about Hobby Farms and Chickens magazines, and that Backyard Poultry isn't as good as it used to...
  14. Anonymous Chicken

    Hatchery Suggestions?

    Hello! We are planning on ordering some chicks in the spring, and are wondering what hatcheries people had the most success with? Also, (I couldn't figure out which section to put this in) — what chicken/poultry and homestead magazines are worth subscribing to?
  15. Anonymous Chicken

    Duck Suggestions Welcome

    Hello! We are looking to get some ducks next year, and are wondering what breeds people find friendliest, the best egg layers, and the best as pets. And, has anyone had any problems with ducks flying away (if they have the ability to fly) or leaving if you live by a river? We do, and we are...
  16. Anonymous Chicken

    New Chicken Keeper!

    Hello! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? (2) How many chickens do you have right now? (3) What breeds do you have? (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? (5) What are some of your other hobbies? (6) Tell us about your family, your...
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