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  • Users: nolotus
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  1. nolotus

    Picky eaters or feed problem?

    I never thought that chickens could be picky eaters. I've been blaming my feeder [it's one of those metal boxes with two holes near the bottom for them to put their heads in - I checked and they can get their heads in just fine] but maybe they just got spoiled when I fed them sunflower seeds...
  2. nolotus

    Feeder question

    So, I ordered this feeder. I noticed in the description that it is for poultry 12 weeks or older only. Why would that be? I feel a little stupid, but I don't understand why they couldn't use it as soon as they're tall enough to get their little heads in there?
  3. nolotus

    Order pullets or straight run chicks?

    We have just hatched 5 Australorpe chicks. Not a brilliant plan to hatch in winter, but we have them. They'll stay indoors in a brooder until they're fully feathered and then we'll see how the weather is. Average low temp for this part of Idaho in March is said to be about 23F. We have a new...
  4. nolotus


    I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with Sagitta chickens? I came across it in my hatchery research in trying to decide what chicks I want to order. The website says "dual purpose bird that is a cross between a Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire Red and Cornish Cross. They are a heavy, docile breed...
  5. nolotus

    surprise parakeet chick - now what?

    After having this parakeet pair for several years we were shocked to see 6 little eggs on the floor of the cage. One egg hatched and the mother is taking good care of it. It is now about 2 weeks old and feathering out. I don't know if I should try to put some bedding in there or if there is...
  6. nolotus

    Which Breeds Would Be Good for a Newbie?

    I’m getting my coop today :celebrate(a neighbor built it and is delivering and setting it up) and I’m anxious to decide on which chickens I should start out with. I’d be so appreciative of any and all opinions on breeds, brooders v. incubating, etc. I raised chickens years and years ago and one...
  7. nolotus

    Chicken Toys?

    I raised chickens a long time ago so I am having to relearn most everything. When I had them before I just let them out to free range and chase grasshoppers - we have tons of grasshoppers arrive every summer. It never occurred to me that they could get bored. I never heard of bored chickens or...
  8. nolotus

    Hatchery recommendations?

    I have heard good things about McMurray and Meyer hatcheries. I wondered if anyone knows of any good hatcheries in the West, closer to me (Idaho). Or is distance not that important in ordering chicks or pullets? Where did you get your first chickens? Are pullets a good way to start while I'm...
  9. nolotus


    I had chickens probably 15 years ago and circumstances required a move, and no more chickens. Now we are back home and a neighbor is building me a new chicken coop. I'm looking forward to getting some chicks and maybe a few pullets this spring. I want some Buff Orpingtons, maybe a couple of...
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