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  1. mlholmquist

    2 year old hen can barely walk, 1 week into treatment - other suggestions?

    I'm going to try to provide as much info as I can using the questions from the pinned post - just wondering if others have suggestions for what else to do to help my hen. Sorry this is so long! Thanks for whatever insight and thoughts you might share! 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does...
  2. mlholmquist

    Impacted crop surgery - incision won't close

    I have a 1 year old hen who had an impacted crop. At first we weren't really worried about it, it's been going on for a month or so. And it always seemed to settle down on its own. But on Friday last week she started getting very lethargic, and went downhill from there. We can't afford vets for...
  3. mlholmquist

    Let's play "Who Laid That Egg?"

    Here are our 7 girls, and our first 6 eggs. Y'all helped me figure out that Hazelnut is not in fact a Brown Leghorn but rather a Black Sex Link - thanks for that! So my assumption is that Days 1-5 were all laid by Hazelnut since she's been seen in the nesting box around laying time each day, AND...
  4. mlholmquist

    Thought this was a brown leghorn until she started laying brown eggs

    Our day-old chicks arrived from Abendroth's on June 17. We ordered 1 of each of the following 8 breeds: Asian Black Barred Rock Brown Leghorn California White Cinnamon Queen Cuckoo Maran Easter Egger ISA Brown Here they are within a day of arriving: The 2 without names are Periwinkle Houdini...
  5. mlholmquist

    Southern Wisconsin Chicken Newbie

    Hi all! I'm Michelle and have FINALLY created my BYC account after lurking around for a couple of years. :) (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Got our day-old chicks on June 17 this year! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Currently have 7 chickens. We...
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