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  1. ChickensForEggs2500

    Duck Has Small Toe Bones Exposed

    Hello all, My almost 1 year old swedish blue duck has the small toe bones on her feet exposed. I’m not sure how or when this happened, I only just now noticed them. it doesn’t seem to affect her that much, she doesn’t seek lethargic and she’s not limping. I’m not sure if she’s laying at the...
  2. ChickensForEggs2500

    My Rootin'-Tootin' Poop Shooting Ducklings!

    Hello! I decided to make a thread to put all of my duckling pictures in, and share their growth. Here they are! They are yet to be named, but I will update as soon as they have them. I got them from a small feed store on April 16th. They are the best! I have one Khaki Campbell, one Blue...
  3. ChickensForEggs2500

    Bedding/Litter in Open Air Coop

    Hello! I have an 90sqft open air coop (2/3's HW cloth) for my 11 chickens. I will be adding 4 ducks this spring. They have a 450sqft run. I plan on making a poop board under the roosts to cut down on excess soiled bedding. Right now, they have a dirt floor that I periodically add compost to in...
  4. ChickensForEggs2500

    Coccidiosis Questions

    So I think my hens might have coccidiosis. They have small foamy cecal poops (with a few normal ones mixed in), don't have appetites', and are slightly sluggish. I've heard that treating with Corid doesn't hurt them if they turn out not to have it. Is that true? I already read @casportpony 's...
  5. ChickensForEggs2500

    Broody Hen Info for Beginners

    Hello! I have a bantam broody, and I am considering making use of it (she won't break) to hatch a couple eggs! Please share tips, suggestions, experience, and anything that could help us out. This is her 3rd(ish) time being broody, so I bet she has some great maternal instincts. She's been...
  6. ChickensForEggs2500

    Solved Conflicting for message and reaction score

    When I view my profile, this is my score: And when I view my account this is my score: I don't know if my message amount is correct either because it doesn't seem to update. This isn't an important issue, I really don't care how many I have, but I thought I'd let you know in case it becomes...
  7. ChickensForEggs2500

    Do Racoons Climb?

    Do raccoons climb? If they don't, could I use 1/2" HC only on the bottom three feet of the run? I've seen a a lot of people use poultry wire fencing layered with 2x3" wire fencing 14 gauge. Like in the pic I attached. We don't have racoons very often here (once every couple years). The chickens...
  8. ChickensForEggs2500

    Chicken Not Eating Food Very Well.

    Hello! I have a 10mo old Sapphire Gem who eats slowly. I see her at the feeder, but her crop never seems to get full. She also is very slow when she eats. I'm pretty sure that's because she doesn't open her beak very wide when she pecks. Other than this she is fine. I'm 99% sure she lays eggs...
  9. ChickensForEggs2500

    ♥🐓🦆 Special Needs Chickens and Ducks Contest! 🦆🐓♥

    Come share your special needs chicken or duck! They can have physical limitations, have limits due to age, be a little kooky, or whatever! Let's show these chooks some extra love before Valentines Day. Ends 2/14/2021 How it works: Post a picture of your chicken or duck and share a bit about...
  10. ChickensForEggs2500

    How Do You Go on Vacation?

    Hello! I was just thinking, and there doesn't seem to be many threads about it. How do you go on vacation when you have ducks/chickens? If I get ducks, I need to be able to leave them for a couple days, and have someone come to check on them only once. Your ideas are very welcome!!
  11. ChickensForEggs2500

    Chicken with bad eyesight

    Hello! My Sapphire Gem, Tallulah, has eyesight issues (I think). She has trouble seeing BOSS if they are not in my hand, and food. She eats really funny when she sees the food though. She doesn't lift her head up very much between pecks, and kinda slides her beak in the food. She also has...
  12. ChickensForEggs2500

    Nutrena vs DuMOR All Flock Feed

    Hello! As always, I am overthinking everything... But I still want to know what's best. I can get both the Nutrena and the DuMOR All Flock feeds from my TSC. I will be feeding this to my (future) ducks and (current) chickens. I have old hens and new layers at any given time. I will probably...
  13. ChickensForEggs2500

    Duck Questions

    Hello! As some of you might know, I am considering getting some duck friends this spring. The breeds I am 99.9% sure about are a Welsh Harlequin, a Khaki Campbell, a Black Swedish, and an Indian Runner of some sort. I thought I would ask a couple questions. My local feed store probably won't...
  14. ChickensForEggs2500

    Chicken Stopped Laying Eggs

    Hello! I have a Sapphire Gem chicken that stopped laying eggs. We got her this spring and the rest of her 'sisters' are still laying consistently. We last got an egg from her on 1/3/21. I know she isn't laying because we only get 7/8 eggs from laying hens, and her vent is pale and dry. I checked...
  15. ChickensForEggs2500

    Anyone Else Making Sourdough?

    Hi! How is everyone? Show a pic of your sourdough starter and the beautiful loaves it has created! I will post pictures of Poppy (my starter) tomorrow!
  16. ChickensForEggs2500

    Feather Eating Chickens

    Hello! So, I recently noticed that my ladies were all picking on one hen. Today, I was spending time supervising them when I saw that they all were pulling out the chicken's feathers and eating them. I think they might need more protein, I feed 18%. I also feed them table scraps that include...
  17. ChickensForEggs2500

    Light Brahma With Large Feet

    Hello! My Light Brahma has always had large feet, but I was wondering.. why? Is this normal? Any advice/opinions are greatly appreciated. Daisy doesn't lay, is at the bottom of the pecking order, and is an all-around sweetheart! She is 8-10ish lbs. Thanks in advance!
  18. ChickensForEggs2500

    Weird Things Between Webbing

    Hello! My light brahma Daisy had a strange bump in her webbing. It looked similar to the chicken's foot in the pic below. We soaked her feet in warm water with Epsom salts, and found that there was a build up of poop/mud that had pushed her webbing up. So, we removed that with tweezers. I just...
  19. ChickensForEggs2500

    Revamping The Coop

    Hello! My current coop has a dirt/poop floor. We are looking to do something to change it. My dad is going to help me pour a cement slab, and we were planning to put straw as litter/bedding. How can I keep the litter/bedding dry? I live in the PNW, so it's always rainy in the winter. They do not...
  20. ChickensForEggs2500

    Does My Flock Have Mites?

    Hello! I have noticed that on some of my chickens, their scales on their feet are raised. I have started putting Vaseline on the scales, and have also purchased food grade diatomaceous earth. How do I use it? Also, is there anything else I can do? We are planning to move all of the ladies into...
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