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  1. lisakathleen

    White Chinese hatched chicks

    Our goose Gertrude became broody and stole chicken eggs. We don’t have a gander so her eggs are not fertile. We lost a few chickens recently so figured we’d let her give it a try and lo and behold she now has two freshly hatched chicks. She is ever so gentle and quietly honks to them and shows...
  2. lisakathleen

    Rooster with labored breathing, possible respiratory infection?

    My Alpha rooster, Marco Pollo(Pollo for short), was injured about two weeks ago after going underneath a building and his comb was torn by a protruding screw. Immediately after being injured the younger rooster began attacking him. We treated his injury and he spent the next week in the chicken...
  3. lisakathleen

    Chukar visited my yard in western PA!

    Spotted this guy in my yard by my duck house. He hung around all day and visited with my chickens, helping himself to scratch grains and water. I’ve never seen one of these birds in PA in my 34 years I’ve been alive and was so excited that I spent the entire day just following him around and...
  4. lisakathleen

    Any guesses on my ducklings’ breed?

    Our ducklings are now 4 weeks old and I’m still stumped as to what breed they are. They came from tractor supply and were the only two mostly yellow ducklings in the tub with a bunch of Muscovy ducklings. We didn’t want Muscovy so took these little dudes instead. I know if I were patient it will...
  5. lisakathleen

    Hen won’t stand, can’t lift her head

    I found one of my hens like this today☹️ I picked her up and found no signs of trauma and when I sat her back down she was able to stand wobbly for a few seconds before laying back down. Her feet were kind of splayed out and she can’t lift her head. I tried to lift it gently front the bottom of...
  6. lisakathleen

    Chicken pavilion!

    The ladies and Marco Pollo refuse to leave the coop when there’s snow on the ground. We’re bracing for 12-15 inches by tomorrow so we made a little pavilion for them to hang out in and be able to leave the coop:) They may or may not be spoiled, but oh well. I prefer it that way!😂
  7. lisakathleen

    Rooster’s comb turning purple??

    This is my rooster Marco Pollo. His comb has turned purple in less than 24 hours. He seems to be eating and drinking normally and is still his usual feisty self. He is usually an avid crower but today he is only crowing 2-3 times an hour. He’s about 11 months old. Thanks in advance for any help!!
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