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  1. Zen Hen Momma

    Sick Hen?

    Update: I believe she has an impacted crop. She didn’t eat yesterday and today her crop feels like a golf ball, hard and lumpy. I have her inside, gave her some olive oil and tried to massage it but didn’t seem to do much. I’ll try the coconut oil I’ve read about on here and keep massaging...
  2. Zen Hen Momma

    Small Flock Bully

    Strange hen behavior question. I have 3 hens all 1 1/2 years old. One has been a bully pecking the others most of the first year. She’s currently acting broody sitting in the nest box for a while on nothing. Today I booted her out to clean to free range for a while and I observed bully hen...
  3. Zen Hen Momma

    Egg Bound?

    I think I have an egg bound hen. She prolapsed twice about 2 months ago but I was able to get it retracted and no issues laying since then. I found her yesterday quiet, moving slow, a little puffed up with a goopy butt. I noticed she hasn’t laid in 2 days. Brought her in yesterday and I’ve given...
  4. Zen Hen Momma

    Prolapsed Vent

    I discovered this hen (just over a year old) had a prolapsed vent this morning. Prior to this she’s had recurring poopy butt feathers I’ve been managing with no idea the cause. She lays consistently and eats/drinks/acts normal. Eggs are always clean. They don’t free range except 15 minutes a day...
  5. Zen Hen Momma

    Broody or Pecking?

    My almost 1 year old hen doesn’t seem to be broody but this is my first year. I found her yesterday with the feathers gone from her neck and crop. I know they’ll pull from their breast area if broody but this seems higher up. I’ve inspected and find no signs of mites and it’s only her of my 4...
  6. Zen Hen Momma

    Scaley Leg - Active or recovering??

    So here's mt sweet 10 month old Brahma. She just started laying- consistently for 2 weeks. I’ve been battling whatever this is for months. I’ve coated with Vaseline and olive oil multiple times. I’ve soaked and cleaned her up with vetericyn on the occasions when it’s bloody. Issue 2 is the lack...
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