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  • Users: BeccaB00
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  1. BeccaB00

    Can they go outside now?

    Hi, I have ten chicks in a brooder inside the house, and 3 chicks in a very large coop outside. The chicks inside are starting to become a big handful, and we'd like to put them outside - but they are only 11 days old. That's barely a week! However temperatures are 93-98 F in the day time and...
  2. BeccaB00

    Is this Feather Plucking?

    My macaw's chest has been all frazzled looking for months now, and if anything its getting worse...Does this look like an early stage of plucking to you? Hes not in molt. thanks.
  3. BeccaB00

    Is butter OK for chickens?

    Just a tad? We scrambled some eggs, and was going to give them to our chickens, but there was a dab of butter on the pan to keep them from sticking..thats ok right? Im really worried I'll give them somthing they shouldn't have so It never hurts to ask! Thanks!
  4. BeccaB00

    Harnesses For Dogs?

    What harnesses do you recommend, that dogs cannot chew through in like, 5 minutes?
  5. BeccaB00

    Crazy vet Question

    We may need to board one of our dogs in about 6 months for a 1 day vaccation, And I was wondering how the vets keep all of the healthy dogs free of disease? I know they disenfect EVERYTHING, but don't things like - distemper, Stick to your clothing, and run in the air? I was just worried...
  6. BeccaB00

    Are packing 'peanuts' safe? *Need answer!*

    I just got my order in from drs foster and smith, I was going to give the box to the rabbit, but what about the packing stuff? The stuff that 'cushions' the items? Can I give him that to? It's not colored. I was wondering cause it would make a good cushiony bed, lol
  7. BeccaB00

    Dead bugs are a favorite for my dog.. - What do your dogs roll in? xD

    I got a kick out of watching my dogs roll in a dead bug... Lack of brains? naw I wouldn't say that.
  8. BeccaB00

    omg broody D:

    my birds are laying like CRAZY. This morning I go out to feed and water them, and sonny is in the nest box. I go over to her to get/see the eggs and she starts sqauking at me. shes been setting all morning so far. She got down to eat long enough for me to see she has three little...
  9. BeccaB00

    Need info on laying hens :)

    We've been thinking about getting 6 laying hens since eggs, where I live are getting to be really expensive, and we just want good fresh eggs I have chickens, just not laying hens. So basically I'm looking for information about them..What's the 'best' layers? and how big of an erea would 6...
  10. BeccaB00

    Just curious..does anyone have one of these?

    Just curious... Does anyone have one of these? Do they tire your dog out faster on walks? I'm getting one for my border collie, and was wondering if it would burn more energy if I put it on her in the morning walk and then again in the evening. Both walks 30 minutes..And what should I put...
  11. BeccaB00

    D: What do I say?! (stupid Q)

    I recently switched my birds over to a better food including pellets and just a little scratch, for now I was told layer pellets are ok, but I have game birds, and layer pellets seem a bit much. What should I ask for when I go to the feed store this evening? I want regular crumbles, not...
  12. BeccaB00

    What am I doing wrong? o.o

    Ok, I edited this entire post cause I dont want it to be misunderstood. my hyper active dog obviously had some problems a while back. We're now doing bike joring, but recently the lead has been getting caught in my weels and either making me wreck, or jerking bridgit back hard enough to...
  13. BeccaB00

    Purina One? & how much?

    is purinaOne dog food a good brand? It looks really good, but then again Im always really worried about commercial dog foods My dogs like it, especially my hound who isn't that crazy about the 'lower' quality dog foods. If it is, and if I continue to feed this, how much exactly would be...
  14. BeccaB00

    No control over her bladder? What in the world?

    Goodness gracious. Another problem. But this time it's not a behavior problem. My black lab, snow, 8 years old next month, she was laying on our front porch and just started peeing everywhere...she was just laying in it. like she didn't even know she peed..Any thoughts why? I'm sure it's an...
  15. BeccaB00

    Does This Look Like Blood to you? ** Gross Picture**

    Posting here again My Border collie Bridgit, You all should know her, Shes been pooping what looks like blood to me. I don't know though, her poop definatly doesn't look right. So the story: About 2 weeks ago Bridgit pooped blood, we called the vet, and she said if they eat somthing like...
  16. BeccaB00

    Crating my Dog - Advice Pleeaassee!

    Ok, so at the moment I'm homeschooled, but thinking seriously about going to public school..Both of my parents work, so I'll have no choice but to crate my dog Bridgit while I'm gone.. Is this ok? I mean, shes always been crated at night time, and when we're gone, but never all day, with-out...
  17. BeccaB00

    Nobody likes her!

    Rosalina, My little game hen is not very social. Everybody hates her! EVERY chicken I have flogs and picks on her. unless, ofcaorse they're younger than her Even her brothers and sisters who she's been with since birth. Everyone of the birds got along with each other, but all hated her...
  18. BeccaB00

    What should I do? (dog question)

    So I have this dog, he's about 4 years old. He was a rescue, but he was obviously somones pet because he knew sit on command, and he was potty trained. He's the best dog we've ever had, he's ALWAYS went to the door when he's gotta 'go' and he used to get to the point where he would bark at...
  19. BeccaB00

    They ain't gonna choke themselves to death are they?? Ninja eaters!

    I have a rather odd question. I have a young rooster and a young hen in a big 'coop'. They have water at all times, food at all times unless they eat it all before morning. But, even though they're fed daily, when I fill their stainless steel food dish they go ninja! They think they're...
  20. BeccaB00

    Parrot Set-ups Please? (:

    I'd really like to see other people's 'set-ups' for their birds. (: or atleast pictures of their birds/parrots I'll be posting mine soon!
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