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  1. WhatTheCluck89

    3 mommas, one brooder box?

    Hi friends, I need some advice. I recently let my broody chicken (copper maran, well call her chicken#1) hatch some eggs, and only one hatched. I separated them from the flock, her and the chick are in the brooder together with chick feed and water. I also let some silkies hatch some eggs...
  2. WhatTheCluck89

    Lost one this morning, crop issue possible?

    Ok so this morning I came out to a chicken having a very difficult time. She had a very full crop and appeared to be having a seizure.. then was laying on the ground. I attempted to help with the suggestions from other posts, but we had to cull her. She was struggling and nothing I seemed to do...
  3. WhatTheCluck89

    Are any of my EE chicks ladies?

    Hello fellow BYC fam. Here are my babies. They are officially 9 weeks old. Sold as wheaten ameraucanas ( I know, they are infact EEs) any and all opinions welcome :) I am a noob so your guess is definitely better than mine. First the three beige colored ones all look pretty similar no overly...
  4. WhatTheCluck89

    Ameraucana ? Pullet or cockerel

    Hello all, hoping to get some guidance/ opinions. I have 13, 5 week old chicks, purchased as wheaten ameraucanas ( or blue, or splash if I'm not mistaken) from a local breeder. I'm trying to figure out who is what ect. Please let me know your thoughts, I do not have detailed pictures of each ...
  5. WhatTheCluck89

    Hen on silky hen attacks?

    I have been reading some articles but would like some advice on my specific situation. For starters I have 8 full sized chickens(all a year and under) (1 rooster, 7 hens) and 3 silkie hens. I notice sometimes the hens being mean to the silkies but nothing too serious. Until recently one of the...
  6. WhatTheCluck89

    Anyone able to identify this wild animal noise? *video with sound*

    I am constantly hearing this noise, in the forest near my chicken coop. I though it sounded like some large prey (maybe a bobcat or something) but today I saw a large bird flying and making the same noise. I live in Ontario. Here is the link. Let me know what you guys think...
  7. WhatTheCluck89

    Ameraucana gender id. Pullet? Or cockerel?

    I have 3 Ameraucanas, 2 that are blue and one that is black. My blue pullet and cockerel are very obvious, but the black one has me second guessing. I really thought that she was a she. Now I'm starting to think s/he might be a late bloomer.... they are 10 weeks, give or take. Thanks in...
  8. WhatTheCluck89

    Are these barred rock?

    Hi these are both 5 weeks old, I'm not sure if they are a mix breed or what. I'm new to chickens any help would be appreciated. Also if you think they are pullet or cockerel let me know, opinions are welcome :) thank you. (I have been told they were both cockerels on another post) I'm not...
  9. WhatTheCluck89

    Chicken PVC waterer DIY, I have a few questions.

    Ok so I plan on making a PVC chicken waterer, I have horizontal nipples and all the pieces I need. I'm wondering if I should worry about the sealant I choose to use. I have waterproof silicone, as well as heavy duty PVC cement. I'm wondering if anyone has made their own, what they used. Should I...
  10. WhatTheCluck89

    Sold as "AZURE" mix?(+ the rest for fun) 5 week picutre for now (WILL UPDATE)

    Just to be clear, I understand it is probably too early to tell what sex these dudes are, I have my guesses, but I'm a total noob when it comes to chickens. I'm mostly curious what this chicken (chicken #1) really is because I have a feeling like "azure" isn't actually a recognized breed. I...
  11. WhatTheCluck89

    3 week old and 6 week old chicks introduction to native soil

    I have 3 week and 6 week old chicks in a brooder indoors. I would like to start introducing them to native soil. I just saw the article about how that should have been done sooner. My chicks are not on medicated feed, and haven't received any form of vaccinations. I have introduced them to sand...
  12. WhatTheCluck89

    "Ameraucanas" and "Ameraucana x Leghorn" ? Maybe? Age and sex guess welcome :)

    Hello fellow chickeneers! May the games begin! Here are some pics, I purchased these from a local breeder. He claimed the 3 Grey's were pure Ameraucanas and that the 3, now 2 (rip💔), white ones were mixed with leghorn. Feel free to give me any opinions on what breed age or sex you think ! As I...
  13. WhatTheCluck89

    Possible crop issue, not eating always "swallowing"

    Hello! I am new to chickens. I have 20. The friend in question is over 3 weeks old I believe. She is an ameraucana cross. I get her over a week ago and she is living in a 8' x 4' brooder with hemp bedding ( I just changed yesterday because the wood chips seemed dusty). They are in my basement...
  14. WhatTheCluck89

    New chicky mom 🤘👋

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! I am a recently new chicken mom from Ontario Canada. This has been my go to website for all things chicken. Thank you for that ! I really thought they all had tumors for a minutes there, haha. I'm learning everyday! I recently moved to a house in the county that...
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