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  1. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Silkie leg problems?

    Day before yesterday all was fine. Then when we get home from work I notices one of my silkies with a leg that seems to be in the extended locked position. She will attempt to run from the other chickens but doesn’t seem to put any real weight on it. We’ve checked her range of motion and...
  2. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Polish attacked by dog

    Hello, my polish was attacked by the neighbors dog last night. It doesn’t seem too bad, she just seemed more scared than anything. She does have a minor puncture wound under one of her wings and missing lots of feathers and skin irritation in that area. Any recommendations on treating her? We...
  3. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Chicken sneezing and making weird sounds

    Today I got home from work all the chickens seemed fine when I let them out to free range. I went to see what they where up to a little later and heard this girl sneezing like I’ve never heard before. I also have never heard her or any of my chickens make the sound she’s making. A few of my...
  4. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Sneezing polish!

    Hello, so I have 2 bantam polish and a stander polish hen that have been sneezing. When I noticed it I treated the whole flock with vet rx while they where sleeping every night for a week. I still noticed them sneezing but seem fine otherwise. I tried doing homeopathic medicine, putting 30c...
  5. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Treating bumblefoot

    I just noticed this spot on the bottom of my silkies foot. She’s not limping or acting like it’s bothering her, but I’m afraid it’s bumblefoot. If it is I would like to get it taken care of before it starts bothering her. Any suggestions? Thank you.
  6. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    What breed are these lovely’s?

    Hello everyone, so just got some new chickens and there’s a few that I’m not sure on the breed. I’m thinking the little multi colored one is a blue red laced Wyandotte, maybe? The other two both have feathers on their feet, but they are not silkies. Thank you to all comments!🥰
  7. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Tolbunt polish gender

    Hello, what do y'all think of my 8 week old Tolbunt polish chick? Pullet or cockerel? How do you tell with the polish breed? Thank you for any info given!😊
  8. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Starlight green egger gender?

    My 10 week starlight green egger is starting to look like a cockerel. What do you guys think? Thank you! 😊
  9. ChickCrazyWorryWort


    Anyone know if this Silkie is a hen or rooster? Thank you.
  10. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Roosting early!

    My standard hens have been going to roost around 4pm. It is winter in Indiana we have been getting crazy weather, but it’s still daylight and they are roosting. My silkies on the other hand stay out until 8pm and it’s dark… I do have a light in the coop that’s on from 5am-9pm (when I open the...
  11. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    North West Indiana Silkie Roosters!

    Hello everyone! I have 8 - 15 week old silkie roosters looking for a good home! They are free to a good home, just don’t want them to be used to fight or eaten. They are a little scared around people but will come close to you if you have food lol. They get at least an hour of free range daily...
  12. ChickCrazyWorryWort


    I have 8- 15 week old silkie chicks that I believe are roosters. Just seeing if you guys agree? Maybe anyone in Northern Indiana interested in any? Thank you.
  13. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Silkie sexing!

    Hello! I have sixteen 12 week old silkie chicks! I think I have an idea of the genders, but interested in what you guys have to say! I have them numbered in blue or yellow. Blue being my guess of rooster and yellow hens. I have 2 or 3 pictures of each chick, so I will be posting more pictures in...
  14. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    New silkie acting strange

    Hello everyone, so I got this silkie last night and she is very calm but I’m getting kinda scared that she may be too calm. All she’s done since we got her was sit here facing the coop like in the picture. I had to put her in the coop last night and get her out this morning. When I put her in...
  15. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Silkie chick questions

    Hello everyone, I had 2 broody silkies just hatch 16 eggs total. I was wondering at about what age can you tell gender? They are only 1-3 days old now. I also wanted to sell some and was wondering for about how much? Also there are a couple eggs that haven’t hatched yet. The hens seem to be...
  16. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Why is my duck acting strange?

    Hello, so my duck has been acting strange today. Normally he’s following me around, always wants to be in my face, playing in his pool and foraging in the grass. Today he’s just standing there with his head close to his body. Not coming to me or following me around I haven’t seen him in his pool...
  17. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Scab on chickens wattle

    Is this from getting pecked at by another chicken or something else? I noticed it yesterday, but couldn’t get close enough to her to take a picture of it till this morning. That’s the only spot on her and no spots on any of the other chickens combs or wattles. Should I be putting some A&D on it...
  18. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Silkie keeps leaving nest

    So my silkie has 9 eggs but she doesn’t sit constantly. When she’s laying and I try to stick my hand near her she’ll peck at me but she’ll leave the nest for hours just doing random stuff in the run. I have another silkie that is broody in the same coop and I’ve noticed sometimes she’ll go back...
  19. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    First shell less egg?

    So my hen was in the nesting box for longer than usual and when she finally came out she dropped this shell less egg. This never happened before and the egg yesterday was completely normal. She eats layer crumble with the oyster strong system and also has a grit feeder. Why did this happen? Is...
  20. ChickCrazyWorryWort

    Strange duck behavior?

    Hi, this is my Cayuga and lately I have noticed his neck gets a little shaky sometimes. I don’t know if you can really tell from the video. It’s not all the time just sometimes. Is this normal or something to worry about? This is my first time with ducks so I’m not really sure what’s normal and...
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