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  1. menageriemama

    Pheasants and Chickens- can they live harmoniously?

    I have a dear friend who has 20 pheasants, and she would like to add some laying hens to her poultry flock. She asked me if the Pheasants and chickens could/would live together happily, and I didn't have a clue! So I am posing the question to you wonderful people Thanks!!
  2. menageriemama

    The Last Letter Food Game (part deux)

    Here we go again foodies sauerkraut
  3. menageriemama

    The Best Halloween Shocker- Ever!

    Earlier this fall, one of my EE hens disapeared and I was sure that a coon got her. Today, she materialized out of the bog with 10 (!!!!!) chicks in tow!!!!! You could knock me over with a feather. I have NO idea how she survived, let alone hatched 10 healthy chicks in below freezing...
  4. menageriemama

    Eek!! Large Bird of Prey!!

    As I am sitting here at the computer, I can look out our picture window and see a ginormous immature bald eagle preening itself on a branch of a red maple tree in our front yard overlooking our lake. Normally, we get a lot of them in the spring when the ice is breaking up, and its no biggie...
  5. menageriemama

    Bento Box Fever!

    So I was thinking about starting a thread about bento boxes, and then today I saw ninjapoodles post in another section featuring one of her bento creations Bento style meals are a passion of mine. So, anybody else who is interested in them or makes them should post some pics here This...
  6. menageriemama

    The Joyful Nudist

    Well, its official. My 21 month old son has decided that clothing is for ninnys. I actually had to TAPE his diaper on him a little while ago while I attempted to make dinner Heres a pic of the little budding nudist eta spelling
  7. menageriemama

    Miss Prissy's birthday today!

    Hey, just thought that we could all wish her a great day
  8. menageriemama

    Meat birds as quality family time... REALLY! *GRAPHIC*

    My kids help out with pretty much everything around here, they won't settle for anything else. Helping me process our meat birds gives them a sense of pride and ownership. I do not force them to help, they just do because they want to be a part of our family activities. So thats...
  9. menageriemama

    Ellie Mae, Super Puppy!

    Just wanted to do justice to our wonderful new pup, and post her adorable mug for the world to see . She is 15 weeks old and is almost 50 lbs (!). She is a Great Pyr English Mastiff cross, but she looks like a monster yellow lab. She is a love bug with the kids, the chickens and just...
  10. menageriemama

    What is your favorite convenience/ready made food?

    Yes, we all know that made from scratch is best, but most of us have some beloved "quickie" food that we secretly adore. Mine is Roasted Red Pepper Tomato Soup from Trader Joe's. That stuff is soooo divine, I would serve it at a dinner party and call it my own! Whats yours?
  11. menageriemama

    I Brake For Mushrooms!

    On the way home from the beach a couple of days ago, I spotted these beauties on a tree on the side of the highway. So of course I hit the brakes and waded across a tick ridden, quasi-swamp ditch to fill my hat with the most fragrant, wonderful oyster mushrooms ever! I cooked them up...
  12. menageriemama

    Inspiration for Butchering Day

    I think we should start a thread where everyone can post "inspirational" pics of their meat birds who have, erm, fulfilled their destiny. Sometimes its tough to psych yourself up for doing the deed, so maybe this thread will help . Oh, and should we post recipes here or on the recipe thread...
  13. menageriemama

    Mosquito (and other pesky insect) Rant

    So, I have been sitting at my computer tonight catching up on all of the day's happenings for the last hour and so far I have killed OVER 30 mosquitos trying to feed on me and the kids!!!! Inside the house!!!! And we have screens, closed door policys etc!!!! #$%@^&* mosquitos!!!!! Oop, make...
  14. menageriemama

    Brooding layers and meat birds together

    I am the proud new mama to 13 cornish x meat birds and 13 layer pullets. All arrived in good shape, and I have raised layer chicks before without any problems. They are all happy and snug in their brooder right now, but this is the first time that I have brooded layers and meat birds together...
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