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  1. DabblinDuckDabbler

    Crested Frost Legbar Backyard blends?

    Roo is Crested Frost Legbar. Hens are: White leghorn Easter egger (lt olive eggs) Black sex link Red sex link Blue lace golden Wyandotte Speckled Sussex Plymouth Barred Rock Any ideas what traits will emerge, or any super secret breed blends that happen with these breeds? Or will I just have a...
  2. DabblinDuckDabbler

    Evaluation please *graphic* (not emergency, but not good)

    I interrupted the coyote attack last night. Everybody survived, but the one it tried to make off with has definitely seen better days. She’s a 2.5 yo cayuga. After injury, she was taken in to ICU, put in a tub, wounds flushed and triple antibiotic applied, and given nutridrench. She’s been...
  3. DabblinDuckDabbler

    Adventures in Cayuga Mama-ing

    So my Cayuga went broody on a clutch of 8 eggs. I’d read that ducks are NOT the moms that chickens are, so I gotta say, I’ve had pretty low expectations for this clutch. And, Between chickens and mishaps and who knows, the clutch dwindled down to 1. But it hatched this AM!! Yaaaaaaayyy!!! Oh the...
  4. DabblinDuckDabbler

    I think I’ve got a problem..

    Hi, my name is Beth, and I have a bird problem.. It started with a housewarming gift to myself of 2 baby ducks and 2 baby chicks—minus a chick turned roo, plus 3 new pullets, minus 2 hens to untimely demises, plus 2 new ducklings to balance the drake/hen ratio, plus 6 chicks for a meat flock...
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