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  1. Kingbobkingdom

    How to Encourage Silkies to Eat Fruit/Vegetable Scraps

    Today, I was dismayed to find that I raised my two silkie hens to be wimps - they were afraid of a watermelon. After the watermelon was basically eaten, I tried giving the rind (it had an inch or two of red left) to my silkies, knowing that chickens love watermelon. However, they were very...
  2. Kingbobkingdom

    Chicken running to coop and pecking eggs before the eggs can be collected

    Hi! A friend had this problem with a chicken: the chicken isn’t broody - she’s not sitting on the eggs. She’s more like, “If I can’t keep my eggs, you’re not getting them!” She comes running to the nest box anytime she sees us walking up to the coop (so if she’s outside, she comes racing in)...
  3. Kingbobkingdom

    Quail with Gapeworm

    One of my quail is gasping and stretching her neck out as well as breathing hard, so I'm pretty positive it's gapeworm. She has had access earthworms. Does anyone have any recommendations for dewormers or treatments for gapeworm in quail? There is a Tractor Supply nearby and I'm not inclined to...
  4. Kingbobkingdom

    Help! I dropped a large container on my quail!

    Ok, so I lifted up a large styrofoam container holding plants and dirt and one of my quail crawled underneath. I put the container down on the quail and quickly lifted it up, realizing what I had done. Now, she's laid an egg (normal looking) and pooped, but she's breathing hard and sometimes...
  5. Kingbobkingdom

    Help! I dropped a large container on my quail!!

    Ok, so I lifted up a large styrofoam container holding plants and dirt and one of my quail crawled underneath. I put the container down on the quail and quickly lifted it up, realizing what I had done. Now, she's laid an egg (normal looking) and pooped, but she's breathing hard and sometimes...
  6. Kingbobkingdom

    Quail with foggy eye

    Hello! After a quail recovering from malnutrition just a few days ago, I have yet another quail which has a foggy eye. I was gone for a couple hours before I found a 2 (+a few months) year old female coturnix-pharaoh mix quail closing her left eye. I will wash the eye with saline as soon as...
  7. Kingbobkingdom

    Very Weak Quail that is always trying sleep

    Hi! I have a female coturnix quail, around 2 and a half years old that isn’t moving much. Could it be illness or a deficiency of some sort? I have no idea. Something may be wrong with her legs or that she didn’t get enough to eat. Here are some facts: She can limp around, but only to eat and...
  8. Kingbobkingdom

    Lethargic Quail, Always Trying To Sleep - Please Help!

    Hi! I have a female coturnix quail, around 2 and a half years old that isn’t moving much. Could it be illness or a deficiency of some sort? I have no idea. Something may be wrong with her legs or that she did not get enough to eat. Here are some facts: She can limp around, but only to eat and...
  9. Kingbobkingdom

    Chicken with blurry/foggy eye.

    Hi! There is a chicken who hass a blurry or foggy eye on one side (the eye on the other side is normal). Is there anything I should do for it? Is it serious? The chicken acts normal and is very friendly. I don't think the eye affects her aim/peck. Any help would be appreciated! (one picture is...
  10. Kingbobkingdom

    What kind of quail is this?

    I hatched this quail last January out of Coturnix parents. She may possibly be half Pharaoh but probably not. I was surprised that she did not look like a coturnix. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
  11. Kingbobkingdom

    Quail eye looks weird

    We have a quail that is one of our oldest in our flock (1 yr.). But today, I looked at her and her eye looks weird and swollen. I don't know if anything's wrong or not. She acts normally and does what a quail would do. Here's a pic. Maybe nothing is wrong with her, but she still looks...
  12. Kingbobkingdom

    Question about duck behavior

    I only have 4 ducks and they all sometimes seem kind of lonely. Some days, during the morning and evening, they begin to quack their heads off, especially if wild ducks fly overhead. One time, I caught them chattering with other ducks beyond the fence. A couple times now, other ducks have landed...
  13. Kingbobkingdom

    Quail badly injured, fractured beak. Need help immediately!!!

    Me and my brother were putting some quail into there pens when one flew away. It hit the fence and we think its beak is fractured. Blood is pouring from its mouth. Need help. Can anyone help us? We do not have a vet nearby. I will try to get a pic if I can!
  14. Kingbobkingdom

    Duck wants to be mom, but...

    I have a Rouen duck named Macky (Macaroni) and she really wants to be a mom. She makes nests in the yard while the male Donut escorts her there. My brother and I have seen her lovingly and tenderly sit on the nest and she looks very happy. But, it is winter here and very cold. Also, since it is...
  15. Kingbobkingdom

    Something Wrong with Duck??

    1-2 hours ago, I was doing homework when I looked out of the window and saw Bomber, my Rouen female in the duck pool. She was acting kinda weird and just staying there and breathing hard. But I was doing homework and thought she would recover, so I would check on her later. An hour or so passed...
  16. Kingbobkingdom

    Wild and Domestic Duck Laying

    Every morning, we get 1-3 fresh duck eggs from the duck house. But I was wondering, do wild ducks lay eggs every day too? And if so, what do they do with it? Leave it somewhere? My ducks seem to not care about the eggs they lay so they just leave it in the ducks house. So, I'm wondering about...
  17. Kingbobkingdom

    Do Ducks Have Night Vision???

    I wanted to see if my ducks had pretty good night vision, but when I searched it up, the results varied. Any answers? Also, random question that I was wondering, are sweet potato leaves harmful to ducks and/or quail?
  18. Kingbobkingdom

    Sick Quail, HELP!!!

    I have a sick Texas A&M quail named Pipsqueak. She had an eye infection when she was a chick, but eventually, she healed. Now, she is 9 months old. She was always skinny, but healthy. She doesn't eat or drink much anymore and just sleeps. Since the weather is getting colder now, and that she is...
  19. Kingbobkingdom

    New member!

    Hi! I just joined like a hour ago and have 17 quail (RIP Noodles and Sir Fluffy 😥) Here is a pic of my first quail Big King Bob (or King Bob, bob, bobby, bobby butt, bo bo butt)
  20. Kingbobkingdom

    Ducks bobbing heads and possible strange behaviour???

    hmm... I have 4 ducks, 3 girls and 1 boy. They bob their head a lot, and when they are in their kiddie pool, one girl (Quacky a crested) gets down on the water and all three of the others (even the other girls!) try to like bite her?? I know it's supposed to be like flirting/mating but since the...
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