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  1. silentmaple

    Senior hen with inflamed joints, what to supplement?

    Hello! I have a senior hen (roughly 9-10 yrs) who seems to have minor inflammation in the joints of one leg. She is walking fine, just seems uncomfortable, she flicks her leg back occasionally as if it was caught on something. I don't want to put her on long-term meds yet, is there any...
  2. silentmaple

    Young Cockerel with twisted leg (plz help!)

    I have a roughly three-month-old cockerel with a fully curled foot and a leg twisted at the ankle. He is a mix that I hatched myself, and he was born with the foot issue(assisted hatch due to foot). When he was little, I braced his foot to straighten his toes, but it did not work and ended up...
  3. silentmaple

    Hello fellow chicken nerds

    I first got chickens in 2012, and as of now I still have one hen from my first batch! I don't really know how many chickens I have exactly, but it's between 60-80. The breeds I have are Ameraucanas, RI reds, naked necks, silkies, cochins, booted bantams, wyandottes, welsummers, california...
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