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  • Users: Dm3223
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  1. D

    Removing ducks while other are hatching

    Hello all, I’ve had 2 ducklings in incubator for almost 24hrs , I want to remove them but I have one egg that is in the middle of hatching , its beak is sticking out . Can I open it and remove the others? What would you do at this point ? Thanks :)
  2. D

    SOS incubator temp during lock down help

    Hey all My temp skyrocketed to 104 an hour ago, do you know if you can crack it to bring the temperature down? can I crack the lid during lock down quick to bring the temp down?
  3. D

    Can you decrease temp during lock down

    Hey, couldn’t find a thread on it but Is there anyway to decrease the temp of hova bater during lockdown? Like can you crack it open for a second to decrease the temp? Thanks
  4. D

    Hatching question

    So.. I’m on day 25 took all my eggs out to get take the turner out and place them in and add humidity . In that time my incubator (hovabator) temp went way down and it won’t raise higher than 96.5 , it’s been a couple hours like that. I’m trying everything I know how to do with raising the...
  5. D

    Injured duck help

    Hello, my duck has been limping for about a month now, no vet will see her. I’ve tried to rest her on her own, niacin, all the things you do for a lame duck. The only possible injury I could see is, it seems like her hind toe is almost dead , like not stiff or anything just very rubbery. I’m...
  6. D

    Anybody know what kind of duck my drake is?

  7. D

    What kind of breeds are these :)

  8. D

    Run questions about hardware cloth and chicken wire for duck run

    Hey all was wondering if you were to build a 8’ tall duck run, could you use 4 feet of hardware on the bottom and doubled up chicken wire for the 4 feet above?
  9. D

    Runner duck with bent looking

    Hey all, my 6 week old runner duck has a bent foot, looks like it’s toes are at a 45 degree angle. It has shaky legs as well and I assume it’s from walking on it strange, is there any thing I can do? Thanks!
  10. D

    Housing for runner ducks

    Hey all, I’m sure this has been answered on here 100 times but I currently have 2 runner ducks living in a 4’6” x 4’7 house. We just hatched 3 ducklings and am wondering after they are done their brooder period would that space be enough for 5 runner ducks? Thanks! Note- we have had 3 using...
  11. D

    Really looking for help here for incubating duck eggs

    Hey all so we just assisted a duck egg that has been taking a really long time(we’re on day 32), it is looking very small and hopefully it makes it. The duckling is just kind of rolling around and not standing or anything. Also we have one that piped and isn’t moving and we have 2 that are...
  12. D

    Duck egg hasn’t pipped but moving

    Hey all just got a question, we’re incubating 12 Indian runner ducks. One has hatched and another one is one it’s way. We are on day 32 and we noticed one has been moving like crazy the last couple days but hasn’t pipped yet. Any advice?
  13. D

    Incubating duck egg temp and

    Hey all that can help, I’ve been incubating my runner duck eggs for 2 weeks now and sometimes I come home from work and the temp is at 96, sometimes I come home and it’s 102 . I quickly change the temp to get it back to 99.5. I basically want to know are they going to be okay if the temp goes up...
  14. D

    Helping a rooster get used to his house

    Hey all, so we got a rooster last fall. Not by choice, he just showed up and is staying (we fell in love with him quick) Gets along with our ducks too so all is well there. Only concern is we free range them all and he won’t ever sleep in the ducks house so when the night comes he runs to the...
  15. D

    Fencing sheep

    Hey all I’m looking to get a couple sheep on a fenced in half an acre zone. Just curious about a couple things. Would that be a big enough area for them and fencing wise exactly how hard are they to keep in? Could you just use a 4 foot welded wire fence with t posts and corner posts? All info...
  16. D

    Runner Duck with lame legs

    Hey there so today when I let my ducks out the one female who recently started laying was unable to stand up, and also had black diarrhea. we brought her inside to get her warm and give her food oyster shells and water then she started getting the strength to walk again. Shorty after that she...
  17. D

    Rooster frostbite

    Hello all, I just noticed that my rooster has gotten some frost bite on his feet and I am curious if this will cure on its own with the weather warming up ? It must have been a week or so with his foot like that as it hasn’t been that cold here for a since then. Any help and suggestions would...
  18. D

    Rooster and ducks living together

    So a rooster came from my neighbours 2 months ago and I’ve tried to bring the rooster back but he just kept coming back, him and my 3 ducks (2 gals and a drake) all get along super well, they are together all day and he even hangs out in their house with him. we all love him being around now...
  19. D

    Female Indian runner duck keeps lying down

    Hey there, I’m seeking some help and advice about my 4 month old Indian runner duck who keeps lying down. She will be up and around and acting fairly normal then just out of the blue she will just start lying down. She does this through the whole day too. Any clue to what the problem might...
  20. D

    ISO info for feeding runner ducks

    Hello all! sorry, I’m sure that this topic has been answered a ton of times but I couldn’t really find a strait answer for what I was looking for. I have three 15 week old runner ducks who are currently eating just duck grower with some greens here and there. The bag is almost done and I was...
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