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  1. S

    3 year old Golden Sexlink Lethargic and has Scaly Leg Mites

    I've been fighting this thing for a month and a half. Been putting Vaseline everyday except once a week when I use cooking oil on their legs. I just started doing the hydrogen provide since my chicken is being very lethargic. She was only going into the run once or twice a day, I personally...
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    I have 2 Novogens and not sure one if a male

    I got 2 novogens 3 days ago. There's so many stripes and variations that make me go back and forth with this little one.
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    Summer weather is coming

    Hello my BYC peers. I've had chickens for 3 years now and I never tried raising baby chicks during late spring early summer weather. What are some ways to keep the chicks cool during summer weather while I'm working? I was thinking a frozen water bottle, misting the air and frozen fruit. The...
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    Purple spots on one foot?

    I was cleaning my chickens' nails and saw one of my girls had purple areas on only one foot. I was able to take a photo when she was asleep in my lap, since she doesn't like me touching her legs. I have no clue what it is from or how to fix it..
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    How long 50lbs of feed last?

    I am getting 6 chicks soon so how much would 50lbs last me? I had 4 chicks about 3 years ago, I don’t remember how long it lasted me but it felt like I was flying through bags.
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    My 2 year old Rhode Island Red has a bump on foot

    My Almost 3 year old Rhode Island Red hen has a small firm lump on her foot, and it hasn't grown. Would love to get someone else's thoughts since I'm not quite sure if it would be bumble foot since it doesn't match pictures that I've seen.
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    My 2 year old Rhode Island Red has a bump on foot

    My Almost 3 year old Rhode Island Red hen has a small firm lump on her foot, and it hasn't grown. Would love to get someone else's thoughts since I'm not quite sure if it would be bumble foot since it doesn't match pictures that I've seen.
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    My 2 year old Rhode Island Red has a bump on foot.

    I just came home from work and saw my baby girl had a bump on the top of the webbs of her foot. I thought bumblefoot but that to my knowledge usually is on the bottom of the foot. Love to take any suggestions or know what this to take care of it
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    Hen is bleeding from her cloaca..

    My hen Goldy been sick for two weeks, when I first noticed her not feeling well I seperated her and filled everyone's waterer with corid (5 gallons for 4 girls and 3.5 gallons for Goldy). She's been not/barely eating (for a while) or drinking for a couple days now. I have no clue how old she is...
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    Something is extremely wrong

    I have been taking care of my hen, she recently had an impacted crop. However, now her crop has been empty for the last 3 days, and don't have an idea why. She's been eating boiler feed (for high protein), 6-grain (to help gain some weight back). She has been interested in eating and drinks...
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    I have been taking care of my hen, she recently had an impacted crop. However, now her crop has been empty for the last 2 days, and don't have an idea why. She's been eating her feed, 6-grain (to gain some weight back). She had some watermelon figuring that it would show some volume, but it...
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    Unwell chicken

    My chicken has been going back and forth on weight, and was starting to act kind of lethargic which was extremely out of character. I decided to separate her from the rest of the flock. Chicken info: Breed: Buff Orpington/Golden Sexlink Mix Age: Unknown (guessing 3 -5) Weight: normally 5, but...
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    I can't figure out the problem

    I've been taking care of my girls for months and the problems haven't changed. One of the Golden Sexlinks is losing feathers all around her vent (tail is fine) and moving the feathers before her wings are missing, it's more skin tone with a small patch of red. Then one of my Rhode Island Reds is...
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    I need help

    My hen is a rescue so she's about 2 years old. Today she did a lot of head jerking, and ended up like vomiting. I don't know what else to do. I would like to know what's wrong with her since she never did that before.
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    Oyster Shell Pellets vs. Oyster Shells

    I am fairly new to raising chickens. I was wondering what is the difference between Oyster Shell Pellets and regular Oyster Shells? Is it ok to offer Oyster Shell Pellets as a temporary substitute for Oyster Shells?
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