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  1. S

    Sexing bantam mix chick

    Hi! I have this chick that was hatched on the 20th Jan. She’s a mix of god knows what, but came out of a bantam egg. She has 4 siblings that hatched on the same day, 3 are hens with very obvious large tails and little to no combs. The other one has a large-ish comb and is growing a cockerel tail...
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    Urgent! Pig with possible tetanus

    One of my pigs cannot eat very well and is displaying symptoms of anorexia. She cannot open her jaw well and every time she is prompted to eat she has to give up due to seemingly not being able to breathe. She sometimes starts coughing after attempting also She has a gait to her walk and seems...
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    Urgent! 6 year old hen lethargic with slow heartbeat

    Hello. My six year old hen has been a bit gloomy recently but today when I found her she was doing anything. At first, earlier this morning, she had her eyes open but wouldn’t eat and would need her beak dipped to drink. Currently she won’t open her eyes and has just been sleeping since this...
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    Indoor hen suddenly being aggressive

    Hello! I have an indoor hen who is almost a year and she has suddenly became aggressive to certain people only, going as far as attacking their feet. We’ve tried to deal with this by the person pushing her away and holding her down but it doesn’t seem to be working. She is allowed outside to...
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    6 year old hen acting lethargic

    Hello I have a hen who is roughly six years old, she has been acting off for a week or so now. -she’s seemed scruffy -vent area is dirty while in the past it has been very clean -comb and wattles have been pale but then reddened again (currently a pale-ish red) -has been much lower on the...
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    Diet for pet naked neck

    Hi, I have a pet naked neck and I have noticed she is a bit heavy. I’d like to put her on a diet, she currently eats feed (I’m not sure what type but I think starter + layer), a banana, normally some lettuce or cabbage and eggs + shells. I know this does not exactly fulfill all her nutrition...
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    Three-day chick lethargic and unresponsive

    Hello. I have a chick who is roughly three days old, today I found her unresponsive and lethargic. i gave her warm water with sugar right away and then some egg yolk. She has not improved in the slightest She cannot walk at all, slightly waddle but can’t lift her legs up. She seems to be...
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    Breaking broodiness

    Hello, I’m in desperate need to break my chicken out of being broody. She’s been broody on nothing for around 3 months and she’s gotten quite skinny and I’m really worried. If I take away her nest she just sit on a table. I’ve been trying to break her out of being broody by using the soak...
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    Parrot tilting head and not eating

    Hello, my parrot has been acting odd since yesterday. They don’t really want to eat much and they can’t move too well. They can fly but not as well as normal. They are continuously tilting their head and making less noise, also staying a bit fluffed up and not moving much. Overall just acting...
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    Another broken/paralysed leg

    Hello. I have a 8.6 month old hen who has a broken/paralysed leg. Seems to be happening a lot to one blood line of my chickens, could be the roosts (planning on a redesign of them). Anyways, her leg started as a limp and didn’t seem to affect her really - she was getting around fine and had a...
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    Cornish with yellowish lump emerging from skin

    So this Cornish had a red lump for a while, this was thought to just be some fat or something but I just checked it and realised an odd yellowish thing is now revealed. This is by the back of her left leg. There is no blood whatsoever and her skin around it seems fine This was at first a bump...
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    Sexing Cornish Cross

    I have a roughly 5 month old Cornish cross that I decided to keep alive due to the lack of fat it has. They overall look like a cockerel but act a bit odd. For two days (maybe a week and a half-2 weeks ago) it was crowing, the crowing never got better and sounds like the crow one of my hen does...
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    Male quail getting bullied

    I got some new quail maybe a month ago, 2 females (I hope they’re females). Today and yesterday I realised my male quail was really tired and thirsty, I decided to check today since he was shaking quite a lot. I looked closer at him and realised he has bald spots. I took him and a female, who I...
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    Sexing Crimson-fronted parakeet

    I‘m curious what sex my Crimson-fronted parakeet is. Not sure of the age, I’ve owned them for 3 months now and they haven’t changed whatsoever. I’m not sure if you can sex this parakeet but any help would be useful! Some info: They chirp and squawk on a common occasion, never for too long...
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    3.6 months old chicks not leaving hen

    Hello! I have three 3.6 month old chicks who aren’t leaving alone their mother. She has been laying eggs for a while and sometimes pecks them but they just won’t leave her alone. The chicks are two hens and a cockerel, the cockerel is starting to mount hens but he isn’t crowing yet. The chicks...
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    Hen with broken wing

    Hello! Last night I realised one of my hens was drooping her wings (left side significantly lower than right side). She is a ayam cemani bantam mix and roughly 4.7 months old (unsure if she is laying or not). Last night I put her in a nest box so that she would be undisturbed but she jumped out...
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    Cornish with a large red bump behind left leg.

    Hello! My Cornish chicken has been acting odd for a bit (maybe 4 days) and today I realised she has a large red bump behind her left leg. It feels quite solid. She’s been eating and drinking fine just lazier and less responsive. I’ll try get some photos now. She’s been laying eggs for a while...
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    Quail lying down, refusing to eat

    Hello! When I went to open up my quail today I realised that my female wasn’t moving. I picked her up and she didn’t fight me whatsoever unlike she usually does. I placed her in their cage and she walked very slowly towards the water and drank some. So far she hasn’t eaten anything, nor is she...
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    Weird black spot on swelling on rear end

    Hello! I noticed that one of my hens are drowsy so I checked on her and realised she was covered in poo. After I clean her I noticed a black spot which wouldn’t wash away. Underneath this spot she seemed to be a bit swollen. Her poo tends to be very wet. Besides being drowsy she’s managed to...
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