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  • Users: Magpie2
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    Breach hatching with leaking yellow fluid

    We have an egg hatching on the pointy end with yellow fluid leaking out. Day 25 hatch. It’s not peeping at the moment but it does seem to be breathing. Reoriented the egg to reduce chance of drowning. We’ll wait for now but I’d like whatever advice anyone has. Especially if the fluid does turn...
  2. M

    Leg bands on fluffy feet

    I have a pair of chocolate Maran pullets which look almost identical, I’d like to give them leg bands to tell them apart more easily but being Marans, they have lightly feathered legs. Does anyone know of a type of ring that would be suitable for feathered legs or some other alternative?
  3. M

    How to make a chicken stop laying eggs?

    I have a young pullet who lays an egg almost every day. She does fine with it but she has a massive hernia on her side which was caused by a ruptured air sac when she was a chick. She’s seen a vet and it’s not life threatening as long as it isn’t punctured. She basically has her intestines...
  4. M

    What colour morph is this hen?

    What colour morph is this Ameraucana? This precious girl was a hatchery rescue. She suddenly passed away recently and we realized that we never figured out what “colour” she was. Any idea what she’d be called?
  5. M

    Black comb and green poop

    A chicken friend of mine has a young house rooster who suddenly became lethargic and his comb turned black at the ends. She’s isolated him for now and he’s had some very wet, green poops. Any idea what could be wrong with him? The comb is shiny because it has Vaseline on it. No sign of injury...
  6. M

    Missing hens returning with chicks

    We have a missing hen, this much is quite common. However we also have a family member who does security installation, so we have a ridiculous amount of cameras around the property. We watched this hen walk under the porch, which opens up to under the house, and we are 90% sure that she did not...
  7. M

    Missing hen might be hiding

    We have a hen who disappeared a few days ago. The day before she disappeared, she tried to hide in the forest and was extremely mad when we found her. We have a lot of cameras around so we know approximately where she should be but we can’t access it. She didn’t head towards the trees this time...
  8. M

    Ruptured air sac not healing

    I already had a forum going for this but it hasn’t got much attention and this problem is still persisting. I have a baby chicken with a ruptured air sac which I have been treating for WEEKS now and it just isn’t healing. We went to a vet first thing and she said to just drain the air a few...
  9. M

    Chick with ruptured air sac

    I have a solo chick with a broody hen. The chick has a ruptured air sac. I took her to the vet and I’ve been trying to treat it but it just keeps inflating. She’s two weeks old, still has plenty of energy and acting normal but it’s concerning. Does anyone know what I can do? The vet said it...
  10. M

    Chick with ruptured air sac

    I have a solo chick with a broody hen. The chick has a ruptured air sac. I took her to the vet and I’ve been trying to treat it but it just keeps inflating. She’s two weeks old, still has plenty of energy and acting normal but it’s concerning. Does anyone know what I can do? The vet said it...
  11. M

    First time giving a broody chicks

    I a few have eggs incubating and we’re less than a week away from hatching. I also have a broody who I didn’t let sit on any eggs until recently so she’s definitely not reached her 21 day mark. There is also another hen who I think has gone broody as well now, they sit happily in the same box...
  12. M

    Sexing Houdans

    I have two mottled Houdan chicks and I’ve noticed that they’re developing differently. Still hoping they could both be girls but what do you think? Breeder says it could just be a difference in growth rates. She hasn’t been able to successfully sex these until about 4 or 5 weeks. Fuzz butt at...
  13. M

    Strange dark eye is concerning

    I’m currently nursing a hen with frostbitten toes. She’s doing very well, I have her with a companion though and I noticed something strange about the companion hen’s eye. Both girls are rescues* (*we didn’t know how much they were neglected when we purchased them) from a hatchery. We got them...
  14. M

    Possible bumble foot?

    This girl has always had weird feet so we didn’t immediately catch this. Is it bumble foot? Her toe is swollen and the tip is basically black (she never had a normal nail on that toe so it’s not missing). She’s limping too. How bad is this? Should I rush her to a vet? Her feet are really...
  15. M

    Roosters with frostbite in cold climate

    We live in Canada and try our best to keep the coop above freezing but the outside temps got to -30C for a couple nights and now we have two boys with frostbitten wattles. We brought one inside for now because he’s low in the pecking order and at greater risk of getting bullied. The other is...
  16. M

    Hen with rapid weight loss

    We have a young lady who is acting normal but losing weight at an alarming rate. She seems to have really started losing weight once winter hit, we live in Canada and she is not a cold hardy breed, I’ve noticed that she has less down than most of our other birds. She a mottled Houdan, average...
  17. M

    Permanently split or no?

    Still new to chickens here and looking for some advice. We’re considering a bachelor flock for our six boys 😱 Different sizes, the little guys leave the big girls alone and (most of) the big guys leave the small girls alone. We have one Brahma rooster crushing badly on a 1lb bantam hen but...
  18. M

    Poor girl broke a nail! And it fell off!

    We were giving the birds some treats when we noticed a lot of red. Our polish frizzle dislodged a toenail and was losing a lot of blood. I scooped her up, brought her inside, gave her a quick foot bath, wrapped her in a towel, and while applying corn starch and pressure the claw actually came...
  19. M

    Who laid this tiny egg?

    There was a teeny tiny egg in the coop this morning! All our birds are young and we only have one bird, an Ameraucana, who’s been laying for about a week. Her first egg was 33 grams and her third/most recent is 41g. The tiny egg is 9 grams!!! It’s smaller than a quail egg! This egg is brown...
  20. M

    Our first egg!

    Our little lady hatched around December 18 laid her first egg today! She’s a blue Ameraucana, we’re still waiting on our salmon Faverolles, followed by a bunch of younger girls starting with a Houdan next month. We have a fully mixed flock so the lay dates are all over the place. The big girls...
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