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  1. Roosterinthecity


    I’ve been gone for a few weeks on a business trip. Came back to being told and seeing 3 new quail in the pen. But… I have Coturnix, but the 3 hatchlings are different in color. White, yellow stripes, beige. Not like the the normal colors of past coturnix quail. Are these recessive gene celadon...
  2. Roosterinthecity


    What’s the best manner? Best manner isn’t always the easiest or your preferred. I do the tarp method. Looking to make it easier on my back. Was looking into these 43 gallon compost tumblers. So many, but they all basically have the same reviews. Anyone use these? Review on these? Are they...
  3. Roosterinthecity

    Just making sure…

    So….. Old Scratch is my rooster. Hatched some in Nov 2023 and decided to keep one… Named him/her Bennu. I’ve watched Bennu grow, at first I was like, “It’s a boy.” Months later, I was like, “It’s a girl.” Then…it hit me while staring at Bennu. Boy…sure looks like a boy. Hasn’t crowed yet…but...
  4. Roosterinthecity

    Kind of want to keep

    Hatched some eggs. Someone wants to purchase them. I somewhat have taken a liking to this one though. Trying to figure out who the mom is. The father is an Ayam Cemani. Brahma, Easter Eggers, RIR, Ameraucana, Dominique. Definitely not a Polish. Also trying to see what gender.
  5. Roosterinthecity

    Is 13 a boy or girl? No, 13 is a number!

    This is 13. His mom is Lucky. 13 is the only one of 4 eggs to hatch. 13 is now 6 weeks old. Had to battle splay leg and club foot, but now doing just fine. Today 13 was let into the general population. I hope 13 is a girl, but I think it’ll be a boy. What say ye?
  6. Roosterinthecity

    Quail Gender

    So at 3 weeks I’m assuming- 1. Male 2. Male 3. Female 4. Female 5. ? 6. Not a quail
  7. Roosterinthecity

    Quail sexing

    So at 3 weeks I’m assuming- 1. Male 2. Male 3. Female 4. Female 5. ? 6. Not a quail
  8. Roosterinthecity

    Chicks Eyeball

    Week and a half quail. Separated from the others because of the eye pecking. I look at other threads, but nothing similar. So…for the past 3 days, one eye has been shut and swollen. I’ve been rinsing out with saline solution. Now can open eye on its own but still swollen and like hard white...
  9. Roosterinthecity

    Quails hatching and….

    Bought 12 Cortunix quail eggs at the pet store by chance because they had them at the register while checking out. Figured, “let’s see if this will work….I did just buy an incubator 2 months ago for the Ayam Cemani I’m breeding.” Well, who knows how long the eggs were at the store…..but I got a...
  10. Roosterinthecity

    Call Roosters

    Is there such a thing as paying to get your chickens to get fertilized by a rooster? Finding the words to make this “nice nice” is pretty hard since everything sounds like an innuendo. But is there such a thing as pimping out your rooster? Say a bloodline of males died off. You have hens from...
  11. Roosterinthecity

    Ducks not laying

    Ducks were laying…. Then they stopped… Back at the end of July 2022 they got broody. I didn’t want more ducklings, so I removed the eggs. They were so mad at me. One of the ducks waits for a chicken to lay then goes and sits on the egg(s). Now, the weather is still the same here in AZ. I...
  12. Roosterinthecity

    Any idea….

    Boy….Girl? Hatched July 5th 2022 Already the size of the females that are 1 yr old.
  13. Roosterinthecity

    First week of July hatchlings….now

    I got 3 chicks and 1 duckling. The duckling is full Muscovy. The mom is chocolate and the dad is white with green and brown spots. Duckling (Lucky) has grown fast. Really hard to tell if a male or female. The chicks…Dad is a Buff Orpington. Mom to the black one was a Polish Buff Orpington mix...
  14. Roosterinthecity

    🧚‍♀️ 🥚

    Ducks just started laying about 3 weeks ago. Well, 2 out of the 3. Eggs were a bit smaller than the chicken eggs, then they gradually got bigger. Now those two duck eggs barely fit in a carton. The 3rd duck started laying a few days ago. And pop…🧚‍♀️🥚. Its just so funny to see. Its the size of...
  15. Roosterinthecity

    What I’ve learned from being an observer

    Hi- I’ve been reading posts for almost 2 years now. I’ve seen many great ideas and have scratched my head on other ideas. I use to have chickens as a kid, and finally 30+ yrs later, decided to do it again after moving to Arizona and buying a house. Now the neighborhood I live in is quite…well...
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