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  • Users: piecemaker
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  1. piecemaker

    Please help special needs dog get new home

    Moderator Wrote: My friend has a 3 legged Rat Terrier that needs to be rehomed. Sharon had to move into an apartment and they said NO dog. Dottie, the dog, has been out side most of her life, she is 6 years old.. She is shy but warms up easily. She has stayed with me the last few weeks. She...
  2. piecemaker

    from bad to good Christmas

    My health happy 28 year old son called me Thursday morning about an hour after I finally got to bed after a 12 hour night shift. He said mom I need to see the doctor my heart wouldn't slow down, I feel like my heart is going to came out of my chest. So I go meet him at Walmart where he checks...
  3. piecemaker

    Gateway computor repair rocks

    Last month DH dropped my computor when he was getting it out of the truck. So I called Gateway to see about having it repaired. They have a repair center about 2 hours from us so we drove up there and dropped it off. They will go thru your computor and repair every thing that is wrong for...
  4. piecemaker

    which virus scan do you use

    Fixin' to change mine. What one do you like and why
  5. piecemaker

    ramdom pix new camera

    DH got me a new Canon Rebel for my bday. Here are a few shoots around the place bowl of sunshine one of the girls nn bantam Lil' Man we have this wierd stuff that grows on some of our trees. I thought this looked like a gorgole (sp) this tree was hit by lighting a few years ago
  6. piecemaker

    good day for gettin' jobs

    2 of my kids got jobs today!!!!!!!!!! DD has been out of work for about 2 years. She went back to work at a staffing company in their out side sales. Where she goes out to find employes to hire people. Has to drive farther than we would like but may get moved to one of their offices closer to...
  7. piecemaker

    new camera

    I got a Canon Reble EOS Reble T3 DSLR camera today,it was for my bday 0n 9-11, also got a EFS 55-25-MM zoom lens and a new bag for it!!!!!! I am sooooo excited. Took a few pix awhille ago
  8. piecemaker

    Hank & the dillo may be graphic

    It is about 10:30pm and the dogs keep barking. So I go out with the flash light. Hank, the boxer, runs behind the coop. I hear all this running around in the leaves. Then here comes Hank with grown armadillo in his mouth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is playing with it like a rag doll tosses it in the...
  9. piecemaker

    Rain wounderful rain

    THANK THE GOOD LORD 3 & 1/2 inches of wonderful rain this early AM. On my way to work a song was on the radio "Let it rain Let it pour" I know the song is about something eles but hey it worked it rained and it poured..
  10. piecemaker

    horse hoof ??????

    Our Morgan has been limping on his front left foot. Talk to the vet gave him Brute to take. He was still about them same. Had farrier out said she didn't think he had foundered. She did a trim and said watch him. Handsome is still about the same. Thinking stone bruise due to the ground being so...
  11. piecemaker

    lost and found update post #8 GOATS GO HOME

    We are in the country but on a major highway. We have come home to find stray cattle in our yard. One night at work sheriff's office calls said our horse was out go home not my horse put it in the coral. Find the owner a week later, horse has been missing for 6 months, good fence jumper. Get...
  12. piecemaker

    help find post about 4 wheeler wreck

    Some one posted about DGS that had a wreck and posted pix. Was trying to find it to show my DGD ages 7 & 12 how a helmet can save you It was posted this past spring I think thanks
  13. piecemaker

    Texas on fire update post #22

    There are alot of fires going on in Texas right now. We are in Leon county and there are some pretty big ones. 900 acers another one was 3000 acers. No deaths thankfully sevral house burned. Some one said one fire was started by some one with a tow behide BBQ pit with a fire in it cooking meat...
  14. piecemaker

    81 days

    over 100 degrees!!!! Maybe getting a brake thanks to the new storm in the Gulf. They are saying 87 for Monday. Can you say paradise?? Just to add I am sorry for New Orleans though. Sounds like you will get hit bad with 20 inches of rain
  15. piecemaker

    old dogs

    Took DH's old Shi tuz (sp) to the vet she was having some hip pain. Maddi is 11 and been having health trouble this year. Had vet check her teeth has lost a few already will be doing some teeth pulling after the weather cools off. Got an itchy shot so she will stop licking herself vet also said...
  16. piecemaker

    Sourland -- cluster headache

    Quote: Sourland I know how you feel. I had cluster migrans most of my life. They would last for weeks. I even went to the hospital by ambulance had off the chart high blood pressure caused by the headaches. Did MRI's, Cat scans doctor said learn to deal with them. You name it we tryed it. Had...
  17. piecemaker

    Gulf of Mexico

    has a tropical storm forming. wow come this way
  18. piecemaker

    Went to Galveston

    Took DD and her 2 DD ages 8 and 12 and her DS 18 months to Galveston. We had sooooo much fun. It rained the whole time we drove there, then for a while after we got there. The sun came out and the weather was great (the rain was great too). Took Hank the boxer with us the first day we had to...
  19. piecemaker

    Thundershirt what do you know about it

    Found it on the internet. It is suppose to help animals with fear issues and separtion anxitey. I resently got Hank, he is a retired breeder and is 5 or 6 years old. He was kept in a small pen with another dog,kept that way his whole life with the same dog. He has the worst separtion anxitey...
  20. piecemaker

    got a trophy at the pet show pix added

    We had a pet show after our towns parade today. So I entered Hank the boxer. Now don't laugh but we won best owner dog look alike. They said we have the same color hair, man I thought they were going to say I had pointed ears or something. The only trick Hank knows is lookin' good or keeping...
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