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  1. Bluesamantha26

    Duckling screams when pooping!?!!??

    Hi all, So I started out with a clutch of 28 all hatched beautifully and all but three were rehomed. I have been noticing somewhat of a Yelp or screech from one of the ducklings. I figured one of them was picking on one of the others or something of that nature so I keep them next to my bed to...
  2. Bluesamantha26

    ISO Muscovy newly hatched ducklings western Washington state?

    Recently lost my only hatchling as it was almost out of the egg. overnight and under momma 🥺 look to fill this hole with two new babies.
  3. Bluesamantha26

    Color name my Muscovies 😁 mix colorations?

    Hello all! Now, I'm having a tough time deciding which coloration to describe some of my feather baby's I won't post all 19 unless requested but here are 4 that I'm really stumped on. Any answers comments or questions welcomed 😊 first 5 pictures are of a Drake hatch from my latest clutch and...
  4. Bluesamantha26

    Day old Muscovy duckling leg deformity niacin supplement?

    So, I have done tons of research and I'm starting to believe my new incubator temp was barely too high intermittently throughout the incubation and it most likely caused one of my ducklings to have a leg deformity, one leg, toes curled and when he TRIES to walk it's on the top of his foot...
  5. Bluesamantha26

    HELP.... Early incubator Muscovy baby

    I have 9 muscovy eggs in the incubator I put them on lockdown Thursday afternoon day 31: 6:00 p.m. when I got home from work humidity 70%. I noticed one external pip right after I took them out of the turner and placed them back in the incubator (through the window) Next day (day 32) I came home...
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