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  1. Pastel the Rooster

    Georgia Peeps!

    Who here is also from GA? I’m from southern GA.
  2. Pastel the Rooster

    Raising Ayam Cemani Chicks Under a Broody Barnevelder

    I hatched out some Ayam Cemani chicks today! @Yard Farmer and some other people asked me to make a thread on raising them. They are still hatching, and two are some of my own barnyard mix eggs. I’m not home right now, so I’m not sure if any more have hatched, but before I left, two had...
  3. Pastel the Rooster

    Ayam Cemani Eggs

    My parents surprised me last week with six Ayam Cemani eggs. I put them in the incubator last week, and I candles them on Friday. One was not fertile. I’m down to five eggs. I also put two of my Easter Egger’s, Bolt, eggs in. They are fertile so far. I am going to candle them in Thursday or...
  4. Pastel the Rooster

    My Polish Journey

    Hello! Next month I will be getting some White Crested Black Polish chicks. I figured that I will take you all on my journey of raising them. I will be building a coop (well, cleaning it out.) I look forward to taking you all on my Polish journey.
  5. Pastel the Rooster

    Does anyone know where I can get some Polishes?

    I’ve been looking for some Polishes to get so that I can add some new fancy chicks in my flock. I want them here before March, because I want them to be old enough for me to go on vacation in May and not worry about them. Blue or buff is preferred, but I like any color, as they are all pretty...
  6. Pastel the Rooster

    My first two chickens’ hatch-day

    Today is my first two chickens Hatch-Day. Pastel, my rooster, and Splotch, his sister. I will post baby pictures later. I’ve have had Pastel and Splotch for two years now. I am so happy that I got to be their chicken mom. They mean the world to me. Pastel might be a butthead sometimes, but...
  7. Pastel the Rooster

    Happy (Suspected) Hatch-Day Willow!

    Hey there! Today is my Golden Laced Barnevelder’s Hatch-Day. She laid her first egg on January 9th, 2023. Of course, hens can lay a little bit before six months, and as long after as they please. I’m going off of six months eggsactly. I have no idea when her actual hatch day is, because she was...
  8. Pastel the Rooster

    Extremely ill guinea hen. Very skinny and lethargic. HELP!

    The hen is about to be a year old August 25th. She is very sweet, and loves attention. But not like this. I noticed that yesterday she was in the shade laying down. I thought that she was just laying an egg. About 30 mins ago I went out and saw that she was laying down near the door of the...
  9. Pastel the Rooster

    What are my chickens names?

    Hello @TudyBOT! Do you know my chickens names? Also, could you make a list of every breed of chicken in the world, along with their description? Thanks TudyBOT! - Pastel the Rooster
  10. Pastel the Rooster

    What Chicken Breeds do you Have?

    I figure that this will be a fun opportunity for us to learn what chicken breeds we all have!! I'll go first, I own a Barred Rock hen mixed with a Black Australorp. Her brother is the same. I own a Rhode Island Red hen. She might be a mix. Her sister is a EE mix. I own a Gold Laced...
  11. Pastel the Rooster

    What did your guinea/s do today? 😁

    I've seen threads here and there on BYC like this, just not with guinea fowl. I figure that this will be a fun opportunity for us guinea owners to share our guineas antics! And for those who want guineas, come see how fun they are! I really hope that you all will enjoy this thread, and...
  12. Pastel the Rooster

    Multipe hens, multiple problems.

    Oh gosh. This might be long. Please bare with me. I have five chickens. One rooster, and four hens. I also have ten guinea fowls, but they aren't important right now. My RIR hen- maybe a mix- has had Bumblefoot multiple times. I finally got rid of it. Her foot looks good. I'm going to be...
  13. Pastel the Rooster

    My broody Barnevelder is hatching eggs. Wanna see what comes out?

    My Barnevelder, Willow, is currently brooding some eggs. I have no idea how far along they are, I'm guessing maybe a week? There are 13 eggs under her. I'm hoping to be able to steal her eggs for a short amount of time to candle them, and get rid of any with no growth. So, because I have no...
  14. Pastel the Rooster

    Broody hen and eggs got wet- What should I do?

    My young Barnevelder hen decided to go broody in a span of two weeks. -I was out of town and the person watching them did not collect eggs, so I have no idea when she went broody (could of gone broody at a max of four days ago and a min of two weeks.-) She is in a really bad spot... Meaning...
  15. Pastel the Rooster

    Bigges Wattle Contest

    I'm in a playful mood... @GregnLety, you are already the winner, for now... Post a picture of your rooster's wattles, and @Ponypoor, or @RoyalChick, could you please judge? Ponypoor, Polishes don't have wattles, and RC, you don't have a roo. If you don't want to, I can just find someone else...
  16. Pastel the Rooster


    I'm going to Alaska in a few days so anyone who wants to see how my trip, come and join!! @Ponypoor, @featherhead007, @BY Bob, @ChicoryBlue, @RoyalChick, and anyone else from FBA!!
  17. Pastel the Rooster

    RIP my sweet dog Coach

    Today, April 13, 2023, my oldest dog passed away. I have known Coach from the day I was born. This loss has been hard.
  18. Pastel the Rooster

    Young male guinea slit his toe open; Won't stop bleeding.

    I hatched out 8 guinea keets late last August. Their hatch date was August 25th. They are about laying age, but I have not seen any eggs, though I am getting eggs from their parents. I have 4 males and four females, and I have never seen anyone fight. They don't free range yet, but I do let 3...
  19. Pastel the Rooster

    Tell me you have a Guinea Without Telling me you have a Guinea 😁

    So, this is a fun game, or it should be. Tell me you have a guinea fowl, without telling me directly. I will go first. Madame Pearl, if you make one more noise, I will throttle you..... HUSH!!! I hope that you all enjoy this thread.
  20. Pastel the Rooster

    Could my Golden Laced Wyandotte Pullet Start Laying Soon?

    Recently I got a GLW (Golden Laced Wyandotte) from a friend. She was giving the pullet away because her other birds would not accept her. She got the pullet from a friend who had a bunch of other chickens and that lady needed to re-home them. My friends other chickens would not accept my pullet...
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