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  1. TempletonPeck

    Big Betty

    Hello! :frow This is Betty (the black chicken in the photos, and one of her as a chick because, why not!) She is 12 weeks old, and already 18 inches from floor to back. I bought her as an Orpington egg along with 2 other buff Orpington eggs. Betty is significantly larger and heavier than her...
  2. TempletonPeck

    12 weeks old - sex, please! Lots of pics :)

    Hello! I incubated and hatched 3 eggs, sold to me as Orpingtons, although my beautiful black Betty is already as big as a small turkey. Betty = people seem content that she is a pullet. However, she is huge; I’d be interested in your thoughts here. Very small, pale comb and wattles but pointier...
  3. TempletonPeck

    7 week-old Orps - gender opinions on Betty, please!

    Hello again! The general consensus at 5 weeks was that my beautiful black Orpington (Betty) was a cockerel. However, since then my buff (same age) has overtaken “Betty” in terms of comb and wattle. Betty’s comb is now much more like the buff we think is a pullet (not in photos), although the...
  4. TempletonPeck

    Gender question @ 6 weeks

    3 x 6 week old Orpingtons The black one squeezed out some red wattles and a comb at 4 weeks - massive legs - we were convinced he was a boy. One of the buffs then suddenly overtook it, and the black one's wattles and comb have seemed to stop growing, 'his' stance has softened and, although 'he'...
  5. TempletonPeck

    Gender - 5.5 weeks old

    Hello again! This is Betty/Bertie, my blue (black) Orpington, now at 5 and a half weeks old. Stance is long-necked, legs are very sturdy, but the wattles that sprouted at only 4 weeks have stopped growing (for the moment), and the comb is not very vibrant. Backyard folk were cautiously thinking...
  6. TempletonPeck

    Only 4 weeks old - but surely as cockerel as a cockerel can get?

    So this is Betty. 4 weeks old and my friendly, affectionate lavender (black) Orpington "girl". Massive, strong legs, red wattles (my two buffs the same age have noticeably more slender legs and no wattles at all) and an erect stance that has her neck stretched upwards whereas the other two tend...
  7. TempletonPeck

    Pin feathers in bum fluff?

    I have 3 beautiful Orpington chicks, nearly 4 weeks old. The “blue” one (who is coming through black) has pin feathers around and below her vent. Is this something to worry about? I’ve never seen a chicken (or cockerel - she might be a cockerel) with feathers in that area.
  8. TempletonPeck

    Buff Orps with dark patches?

    Hello! I have hatched 2 Buff Orpington chicks that I bought from a seller. The brown patches he assures me are normal, but now there is som darkness coming in at the base of their tails and their “shoulders”. Is this normal for a Buff Orpington? Photos attached. 😊
  9. TempletonPeck

    Was she malpositioned? (Happy ending)

    She’s now 75% out of her egg with no sign of a yolk sac still to be absorbed and all tiny bleeds controlled easily, so it’s a happy ending for my day 23 chick that was struggling in the thickest membrane. She hadn’t managed to internally pip but somehow ended up in her air sac last night (so I...
  10. TempletonPeck

    Another photo - will this chick need assistance?

    Hello (yet again!) :frow So this is a day 19 (soon to be day 20) shipped buff Orpington that seems to be happily moving around despite the oddness of its environment. Is that vertical straight edge part of the air sac? There is activity right at the obvious air sac end of the egg as if the...
  11. TempletonPeck

    Me again - Day 22 approaching - no obvious internal pip but chick is alive

    Hello (again) :frow Chicken egg - hopefully a beautiful blue Orpington. Day 22 starts at 4.30 UK time. I am new to incubating but my concerns also spring from this being the only surviving egg of a batch of shipped eggs that I started incubating without letting the sacs settle. Could you please...
  12. TempletonPeck

    Day 20, still no pip

    Posting in a new thread for traffic (sorry!) I’m now firmly into day 20 (4pm UK time starts day 21) and no external pip. I’ve candled and there is an odd little curved shadow which seems as if it is poking into the air sac at one side - it has been there for 24 hours now. No other sign of...
  13. TempletonPeck

    Day 19 - does this chick look ok?

    Hello! :frow Day 19 has just passed, and there are lots of little pulsing wobbles from my egg. It's the only surviving egg from a (shipped) batch, and it's also my first incubation, so I'm being overly, ridiculously attentive. I managed to talk myself into the belief that the wobbles were the...
  14. TempletonPeck

    Who has the most spoilt chicken?!

    So I just bought this for my chick (who is going to be spending 2-3 days on its own) to stop it from feeling lonely. It hasn't even hatched yet. Can anyone beat that?
  15. TempletonPeck

    Day 16, movement in all 3 eggs, but one air sac looks like trouble (photo attached)...

    Hello! :frow I have 4 eggs incubating, 1 Blue Orpington two days older than the other 3 Buffs and doing really well, wobbling around happily. I candled the 3 Buffs today because these are the only 4 eggs left of 10 (shipped, and incubated before I knew to let the air sacs settle) and I wanted...
  16. TempletonPeck

    Day 18 - do I support it with blunt egg up, or leave as nature would have it?

    Just that, really. I have a lively, moving egg, and it’s currently on its side with the blunt end and air sac slightly raised thanks to the natural shape of the egg. Should I support it fully blunt-end-up on a sliver of toilet roll insert? This is how it has been, but as hatching day approached...
  17. TempletonPeck

    Egg is moving!

    Day 17 and egg is moving… The only surviving embryo from a batch damaged by shipping. Do I assist?
  18. TempletonPeck

    Embryo deaths

    Hello! :frow I've been incubating blue and buff Orpington eggs for 2.5 weeks now, and apart from 2 unfertilised ones all was going well. 2 days ago there was movement in many of them, although in my naive haste to incubate I hadn't realised the importance of settling shipped eggs to let the air...
  19. TempletonPeck

    Advice, please!

    An Orpington egg, day 12 of incubation. The other eggs' dark patches are very dark, and many have shown movement - but this one started off light and has never really darkened. Unfertilised, or leave another few days to make sure?
  20. TempletonPeck

    Thoughts on these photos?

    Hello! I have candled my 8 and 10 day eggs - using my iPhone light, which perhaps isn't the best. Most eggs look really full, and the dark areas are shaped like the ones in the photo. Is this a typical developing embryo shape? That red line on the "X" egg only showed up on the photo and I...
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