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  1. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    I’m here about my Sheltie again 😅 So, I know you have to socialize shelties because they are shy dogs. We have taken him in some stores, had him meet all my family members, have had him visit in a nursing home ( visiting family and had to bring him with us ), and have had him taken on walks on...
  2. TheyBeChillin

    Dog Chasing Chickens

    Hello! I have a five month old Sheltie. I was hoping y’all could give me some training tips to get him not to chase my chickens. He never tries to attack them, but he is stressing them out by chasing them. To train him so far, I have placed him on a leash around the chickens, telling him to sit...
  3. TheyBeChillin

    Chicken Eating Eggs

    Hello!! I need help! One of my hens is eating her eggs, and I have no idea why. They have access to food and water anytime throughout the day with oyster shells in their feed for calcium and grit. I only have four hens- our run is large enough to fit eight while our coop is large enough to fit...
  4. TheyBeChillin

    Dry comb?

    Hello! One of my hen’s combs has been extremely dry recently, and I’m not sure why. The temperatures aren’t getting too cold, our lows usually being in the mid to upper 30’s, but it is a little chilly. She is also currently molting. I have put coconut oil on her comb to help moisturize it, but...
  5. TheyBeChillin

    Chicken suddenly bullying other chicken?

    Hello! I have 4 hens, and they used to all get along. However, one of my chickens is now bullying all the other chickens. She’ll chase them and attack them for no apparent reason. Sometimes, it’s over food like if one of them found a bug outside, and she didn’t. She never draws blood, but she...
  6. TheyBeChillin

    Mites in chickens?

    Hello! There is a very sick fox hanging around my neighborhood that has mange. It’s missing half of its fur, it’s bitten its tail off, and it isn’t afraid of people. I saw it during the daytime as well. I was afraid for my chickens as they free range in the yard all throughout the day. Since...
  7. TheyBeChillin

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    Hey, everyone! I’m newer to chickens as I got my first four girls last year in June. They haven’t been having any issues ( except one of my pullets getting a little frostbite in December ) until now. I’m afraid that one of my pullets might be having issues with worms, or some other health issue...
  8. TheyBeChillin

    Rashy skin?

    Hello! I have a pullet named Fern. She has very loose stool… I’m not really sure as to why because none of my other pullets have this issue… anyways, every two months or so I have to give her a bath. It’s been cold recently, and I’ve been unable to do so. However, today it warmed up pretty good...
  9. TheyBeChillin

    Taming Parakeets

    Hello! I recently got my first parakeet. I’ve never owned any birds before ( besides chickens, haha ) so this is a new experience for me. The taming process has gone well so far. He’ll lick me sometimes, and also perch on my fingers reliably each time I press on his belly. He also was...
  10. TheyBeChillin


    Hello! I was wondering if my chickens had frostbite. I noticed that my Rhode Island Reds had black specks on their combs, and I’m not sure if it’s frostbite or not as this is my first year raising chickens. The temperatures drop into the 20’s at night and 40’s and 50’s during the day. I’ll try...
  11. TheyBeChillin

    Black tips on pullet’s comb?

    Hello! One of my pullets has a black tip on the top of her comb. When I looked it up, I saw that it was frostbite. However, it’s not cold outside as I live in the south in the middle of August so I’m not really sure what it is but it can’t be frostbite. This is my first time raising chickens so...
  12. TheyBeChillin

    Small rodent getting into chicken run

    Hello! I’ve recently discovered a small hole, roughly the size of a nickel or a quarter in diameter, in my chicken run. I’m not sure what type of rodent, but I’m thinking mice or maybe a vole. The first time I discovered only one hole, I filled it up with rocks thinking that was that. However, a...
  13. TheyBeChillin

    Dark spot on egg?

    Hello! I recently found some abandoned wren eggs in my garage and decided to incubate them. One of the eggs had a blood ring and died. However, the other egg confuses me. There’s no veins, no blood ring, and no rotten smell. Yet there’s a dark spot. Is this bacteria in the egg? Is it an embryo...
  14. TheyBeChillin

    Dead or alive egg?

    Hello! A wren recently built a nest in our garage and laid two eggs in the nest before abandoning them. Both eggs are probably around 4-5 days old. I’ve been keeping them under the heat and turning them. I tried candling one of the eggs, and I saw what appeared to be a singular vein. However...
  15. TheyBeChillin

    Chick running in circles around me?

    Hello! I recently got some baby chicks a couple weeks ago, and since they’re bigger now I sometimes let them run around in a room ( their heater, food, and water always available ) for about 30 or so minutes at most. There’s one barred rock chick that always runs circles around me and the other...
  16. TheyBeChillin

    Is my chick okay?

    Hello! I recently got my first set of chicks, four in total. They're all very active, happily eating, and happily drinking. The chicks love to be held along with eating out of my hand. When I hold my chicks, they always nestle around my neck and in my hair before quickly falling asleep. However...
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