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    Pullet? 13 week old Wyandotte

    I have a Wyandotte that I’m thinking is a pullet. 13 weeks old, looks much different from my cockerel but also looks a little different from one that im Certain is a pullet. Pullet or cockerel?
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    11 week old EE, is this a roo?

    I have an 11 week old Easter egger. Is this a rooster?
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    Pullet or cockerel 6 week old blue laced red wyandottes

    I have two chicks that I’m thinking may be cockerels. They seem very dominant and feathered slower than my other chicks. The first one I’m fairly certain is a cockerel, unsure of the second one though. Thoughts on both? I’ve attached one pick of each chick. The second one is a lot smaller than...
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    Hello BYC!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I first got chickens about two years ago. I recently got chicks for the first time this past April. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 12 (3) What breeds do you have? All Prairie Bluebell Eggers (4) What are your...
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    Cockerel or pullet? 9 weeks old

    I have two 9 week old prairie bluebell eggers I have been thinking are cockerels. I have had them since they were a few days old. I got 10 from Hoovers hatchery and they were supposed to be all pullets. Do you think pullet or cockerel? These are by far the most dominant two in the bunch
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