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  1. WombatChook

    Wonky first-after-moult egg?

    Hi all, I have 3 isa brown hens, that usually lay light brown, sometime speckly eggs. They have all been going through various staged of moult over summer. Two have continued laying despite the moult, and have been giving me eggs every 2 days. The third chook stopped laying for a couple of...
  2. WombatChook

    Chicken emotions/grieving? Change in behaviour after hen passing

    Hey all - been a while since I posted here! A couple of weeks ago, we lost one of our chickens (Sparkle, also known as the World's Most Expensive Chicken thanks to vet fees!) to (hidden for potential health trigger ) She'd been unwell for a little while, but while we did everything we...
  3. WombatChook

    How to discourage broodiness?

    My dramatic chicken, Sparkle, has gone broody. She has taken over one of the nesting boxes (the popular one, of course), and sits. And sits and sits and sits. And swears like a seagull any time the other chooks come near. The problem is, I don't want her broody. She's only just gone back...
  4. WombatChook

    Pullet ... Crowing??

    I have 4 pullets in my backyard. (We did have cockerels, but they were rehomed due to suburban ordinances). They're all clearly pullets, and they all lay eggs. Late last year, our then-boss pullet (Sparkle) got sick and was given medication to pause laying while she recovered. When she was...
  5. WombatChook

    Flock dynamics without a cockerel/rooster

    When we got our chickens, we ended up with 4 pullets and 2 cockerels. About 6 weeks ago, I rehomed the louder, more dominant cockerel. The second one has come into his own, and is a delight in the backyard (loves skritches, and has never been agressive ever) - except I live in suburbia, and...
  6. WombatChook

    Overachieving Pullets!

    I have two 7mo old pullets and two 5 month old ones. One of the 7 month olds has had her egg production paused due to illness. The other 7 month old consistently lays double yolkers, a couple per week. One of the 5 month olds has started laying 2 eggs per morning, no more than two hours...
  7. WombatChook

    What is this?

    * Note: I am taking her to the vet tomorrow, the earliest appointment I could get* This came out of my 7month old pullet Sparkle just now. It is the consistency of thick custard. It doesn't smell. She tried to eat it (I removed it and put it in a container in the fridge for the vet tomorrow)...
  8. WombatChook

    How to keep the smell down in a free range yard?

    I have 5 chickens that free range in my backyard by day, and are only in their coop at night. Summer is coming, and I've already noticed that it's getting a bit whiffy in the yard. We sweep the paths clean a couple of times a day, but it's impossible to pick up chook poo from the grass. I've...
  9. WombatChook

    Inconsistent laying

    Is it common for new layers to be sporadic with their eggs? I havr 4 hens. My older ones have laid like clockwork since starting, but one of my two younger ones (May babies) has been sporadic. Firstly she was laying soft shelled eggs, then after a couple of days laying "proper" ones, we've...
  10. WombatChook

    Soft shelled egg

    Hello! My pullets we got at the end of May started to lay a couple of days ago. We got 2 eggs on Friday; one on Saturday and Sunday; 2 eggs on Monday and Tuesday. They have all been small (compared to my slightly older chookens). Today there was one egg in the nesting box and the other was...
  11. WombatChook

    First eggs!

    Sparkle, one of my late February-born sex-link / Lohmann Brown chickens has started laying. She laid her first one on July 30, and it was a reasonably large one. The next two we found were laid yesterday (Aug 2) and today (Aug 3), and much smaller . Is it normal for the first one to be so big...
  12. WombatChook

    Breed and gender ID please?

    I have 6 chickens, breed unknown. We've been told New Hampshire Sussex, Lohmann Brown or Barter Brown. The older ones were hatched at the end of February, and I'm confident they're pullets. The younger ones at the end of May, and there's about a week between the dark ones and the lighter...
  13. WombatChook

    New member - hi!

    Hello, I'm new here, and am in Melbourne, Australia! From the Q&A in the intro page: (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We got our first chickens mid-March this year, when my kiddo brought home two they'd hatched at school. (2) How many chickens do you have right...
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