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  1. Chickens4572

    Please help

    I can like hear my guinea fowl breathing don’t really know how to explain but I don’t know if it’s something bad and I’m concerned she may be having difficulty with breathing or something. Someone please help me and tell me if this is normal and if not please help me on what I should do🙏 I have...
  2. Chickens4572

    Someone please help me

    Someone please help me there is this one thing one of my guinea fowl does and i’m getting more and more concerned each time. So I’m just outside with my chickens and guinea fowl like normal and sometimes randomly one of my guinea fowl just kinda stops moving, standing there and opens her mouth...
  3. Chickens4572

    My hen keeps pecking at my other chickens how do I stop this?😭

    I have this black feathered hen (don’t know what breed) and she keeps on pecking at my other hens. It’s to the point where she plucks their feathers out and leaves blood. I’ve tried separating her from the rest of the flock and it didn’t work. I should mention that she is a little bigger than...
  4. Chickens4572

    My baby chick keeps twitching it’s head and I don’t know if something is wrong with it.

    So I took my chickens outside to be in the sun and play or whatever and I seen my baby chick tryna sleep but it kept twitching its head like if there were a fly or something on it’s head bothering it. I don’t know why its doing it but i’m im a little concerned because I’m not an expert or...
  5. Chickens4572

    Please help me my chicken is injured and I don’t know whether to leave her be so she can heal on her own or treat her.

    This morning I woke up to check on my chickens and then I noticed my chicken had her face all beat up like if something attacked her.I thought it was my other chickens but there all in cages and none of them were hurt.So, I don’t know what attacked her or when it attacked her but I don’t know...
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