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  1. Afrochicken

    Chickens shaking heads and itching Mites?

    My chickens are acting strange latley, they eat really fast and they choke and theyre iching and shaking thier heads alot. can anyone help?
  2. Afrochicken

    Michael Jackson faked his death!?

    well i was looking up if MJ faked his death for fun and sources are saying he DID!!! any thoughts on this?
  3. Afrochicken


    Anyone think its real or not? im right now 50/50 lol
  4. Afrochicken

    Chick that follows us everywhere!

    My little silver Ameraucana will try to jump into the window when its closed if we're peeking out of it. She'll even follow us into the clubhouse! its sooo cute!!
  5. Afrochicken

    Chicken's head slightly crushed in rock

    My sister and i were looking for worms to go fishing and my sister almost crushed my chicken Crystal's head in the rock. She has a little crack in her beak and is fine besides that. Im wondering if she could have head injuries. Can someone help out?
  6. Afrochicken

    Red Dead Redemption

    Hey guys. rdr is my favorite game and id like to know who else plays it and what your thoughts are about the werewolf in tall trees. go red dead!
  7. Afrochicken


    My chicken who recently got a broken leg has a cut on its leg where it was broken. Its all yellow around it, but no pus. Is it infected? Will try to post pics soon!
  8. Afrochicken

    R.I.P Chirpy

    My little 3 month old polish chick was killed by my dog. R.I.P, my little afro chicken..
  9. Afrochicken

    Polish Chick lost to dog

    My poor Chirpy was killed by my Jack Russel... Just felt i need to get this off my chest
  10. Afrochicken

    Chicken got sick and died (we think an egg got stuck in her) help!!

    While i was on vacation my Mom texted me that my chicken had died we think an egg got stuck in her or something! help!
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