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  1. Country Birds

    Bad luck with hatcheries for geese…

    I am super frustrated with hatcheries right now. Last year I ordered several goslings from Ideal hatchery a few months in advance and they called me the day of and said they didn’t have enough goslings and wouldn’t be getting any more and that was that. It was really frustrating, but I...
  2. Country Birds

    BBS Genetics Question for Crossbreed

    I just recently hatched out my first chicks from my own flock and I got some that were a different color than I expected. I have a Splash Ameraucana rooster (he’s my only rooster) and I hatched out three chicks from my Black Copper Marans eggs (I only have one Marans hen) in order to get some...
  3. Country Birds

    Why is this one pullet so ugly?

    I have some some splash and blue Ameraucanas that are almost 8 weeks old and they are all beautiful little chickens except this one…I think she is an “extra” Blue Ameraucana that the hatchery threw in. She was noticeably smaller as a chick and is still runty looking compared to the others. She...
  4. Country Birds

    Splash Ameraucana Sex?

    I have 13 straight run Splash Ameraucana from Cackle and I’m having a hard time figuring out the gender of two. They’re 6 weeks old. I’m leaning towards cockerels on both, but I’m not sure. They aren’t quite as red as the other cockerels, but they also are pinker than the obvious pullets that...
  5. Country Birds

    Brown egg with white speckles?

    I just found this egg, which I’m pretty sure is the first egg from one of my younger chickens. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I’ve heard of brown and green eggs with brown speckles, but never a brown egg with white speckles…does this indicate a problem with the hen? Some kind of...
  6. Country Birds

    Crele OEGB?

    Can anyone tell me if this is a Crele Old English Game Bantam? That’s the closest guess I can come up with but I can’t find many juvenile pictures of that breed online to compare him with. He’s 8 weeks old and teeny tiny. He came from an assorted bantam bin at the feed store.
  7. Country Birds

    Different kind of Marans?

    Almost two weeks ago I purchased these two chicks from the Black Copper Marans bin at C-A-L Ranch (I’ve heard they source their chicks from Welp?). I’ve never had this breed before, but one of the chicks looks like a different kind of Marans than the other. I was wondering if anyone could tell...
  8. Country Birds

    Assorted Bantam Breeds?

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what breeds these bantams are? From C-A-L Ranch assorted bantam bin. #1 #2
  9. Country Birds

    Geese Questions (Particularly for Cold Climates)

    I've really been looking into getting some geese and I have a lot of questions! I've raised chickens and turkeys but never any waterfowl, so I want to make sure I know what I'm getting into. My husband is completely on board with getting geese, but I like to do my research and feel really...
  10. Country Birds

    Breed and Gender Help

    So this might be a long shot, but here we go… My husband’s friend from work hatched out some chicks for us from their own flock. They have various breeds (I’m pretty sure they don’t have any barnyard mix) but he said he tried to only collect eggs from his ISA Brown hens. He has three roosters...
  11. Country Birds

    Australorpe and Ameraucana?

    At the beginning of the year, before I had chickens, my sister-in-law was getting rid of her two hens and asked if I wanted them. I knew the basics of chicken breeds, but she told me the black chicken was an Ameraucana that laid blue eggs and the orange one was a Rhode Island Red. I knew the...
  12. Country Birds

    Are these eggs from the same chicken?

    I only have one mature laying hen that lays brown eggs, she’s a Welsummer, and she always lays the medium brown eggs like the one on the left in the picture. I also have two pullets, a Lavender Orpington and a Silver-laced Wyandotte, that should be reaching laying age soon and I know will lay...
  13. Country Birds

    Breed or Unique Personality?

    Earlier this year I inherited two egg laying hens from my sister-in-law, an Americana and a Welsummer. They are friendly chickens that will let you pick them up, but they don’t necessarily enjoy human touch. This spring I raised 4 chicks to add to the flock and held them, talked to them, etc...
  14. Country Birds

    What Breed?

    Can anyone tell me what breed my chicken is? We got her from our local feed store as a chick in the “rare breed” bin just for a fun surprise. She’s about 13 weeks old and has this weird poof on her head. Of all the chicken breeds I’ve seen, she looks most like a Cuckoo Marans to me, however, a...
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