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  1. Barnyardgroupie

    Friendly turkeys?

    Is it normal to have friendly turkeys? Mine fall asleep in my lap after snack time. I’m also curious on what breed the white one is. The lady I got the eggs from said they should have only been chocolate and red bourbon. But to me it looks like I’ve got two black Spanish turkeys and a few...
  2. Barnyardgroupie

    Bird picking at tail feathers. Skin is raw.

    Update- headed to the store to pick up anti peck med and a saddle I’m not sure what’s going on with my s west boy. Would anyone happen to have experience with something like this? He is a silver laced polish Roo. I sprayed Rooster Booster Poultry Wound Spray on him yesterday and today and I...
  3. Barnyardgroupie

    Is this a normal crow? Silver laced Polish Roo

    This is my very active Roo…. Is his crow normal?! I’ve looked all over the internet for something comparable- and have had no luck.
  4. Barnyardgroupie

    Pink Egg with Blue speckles?

    Is this just Calcium? I've noticed only one of my laying hens does this. It's really hard to see the blue speckles in these pictures, but thats the best I could get.
  5. Barnyardgroupie

    Emergency hatch- 2 day old peafowl very weak

    Good morning all! Good news, my little guy/gal was still alive this morning! Yes, I did happy cry 😢 Question/concern: the baby CAN stand BUT falls over after a few steps (normal for new hatchlings). I’ve dipped it’s beak into the water, but it’s to weak to care. Is there something I could...
  6. Barnyardgroupie

    Emergency hatch completed- now what?

    Hello all! Happy to be here and excited to read and learn all of the tips and tricks you all have to offer! Current situation: I just completed an emergency hatch with my first peacock. They popped Friday night around 6pm, this morning with no progress and lots of sad chirps I performed a very...
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