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  1. F

    ISO White Wyandotte LF chicks

    LF White Wyandotte LF chicks, in Texas.
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    ISO White Wyandotte LF

    I'm in Texas, looking for shipped White Wyandotte hatching eggs.
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    Silver Laced Wyandotte Cockerels, any good?

    Hello all, I'm new to learning genetics and breeding to the SoP. I have 3 cockerels that I am looking for advice on. Roughly 17 weeks. How do they look? Flaws? Are these good to breed with? Which one would be considered the most ideal? Thanks for any advice.
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    Fowl Pox Vaccination question

    There seems to be a lot of random information on the various vaccine pamphlets of available vaccines for fowl pox. I am looking to vaccinate my poultry yard for fowl pox, as mosquitos are abundant. My question is this: Some of the vaccines state to vaccinate chicks older than 8 weeks but less...
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    Cackle Exhibition Silver Laced Wyandotte issue

    Was able to obtain over 50 of these birds throughout this year. A few of the cockerels have come out with gold leakage, in saddle as well as hackle; as attached. Does this mean that they carry gold somewhere in their line? And is this a sign to stay away from their lines if trying to get toward SoP?
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    Silver Laced Wyandotte question

    I’m looking into getting into breeding high quality silver laced Wyandottes. I’ve gotten a ton of stock from chicks and hatching eggs all over the country from select breeders. I have a couple of questions, if anyone could help me out? 1. I recently hatched some eggs from a reputable farm...
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    7 week old SL Wyandotte sick / strange issue

    I've isolated this pullet because she was puffed up a few days ago and lethargic. She seemed to drift in and out of that, but now since being in isolation has started exhibiting strange posture (raised rear end) as well as labored breathing. She is not eating, and I've been giving nutrients...
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    Silver Laced Wyandotte gender 6 weeks

    Out of a dozen or so, all the males and females are pretty recognizable except for this one. Any thoughts? It looks like the other pullets, but redder.
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    5 and a half week Barred Rock genders

    Are these too early to tell? Thanks
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    Cackle SLW hatching egg breed experiences?

    Ordered some SLW hatching eggs from cackle. It’s a little confusing, the order listing shows both their hatchery quality and “exhibition” quality birds when scrolling through their pictures on the listing. They also sell “exhibition” eggs for other breeds, but not for SLW. The term isn’t listed...
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    White patches on comb

    Is there something going on with this pullet?
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    Ideal gave me the wrong breed, 11 Week pullet breed ID

    Apparently, Ideal sent me the wrong breed. I requested Red Star pullets. Am I correct, are these Production Reds instead? RR? They look nothing like the Ideal Stock photo. .
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    Wyandotte Rooster Question

    I have Silver and Gold laced wyandotte pullet runs, and I recently bought them each their specific rooster for hatching purposes next year. However, noticing throughout the process that about 1 in 5 hens has a single comb from Ideal hatchery. Now that the roosters are growing up, the gold lace...
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    White Plymouth Rock or Cornish Cross ID help

    these were supposed to be “Plymouth White Rocks.” The other bin was Cornish cross, and I’m wondering if these didn’t get mixed up. Are these White Rocks or Cornish x? 6-7 weeks or so
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    Breed help? Also gender

    7 week or so, supposed to be a White Rock. It didn’t look like any of the other white rocks we had. The other chick bin was Easter egger, which is what I’m assuming this is? Can we tell a gender yet?
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    Gold Lace Wyandotte with silver feathers

    received some Gold laced from a hatchery as chicks. Most look normal, however, one has started to develop silver feathering alongside the gold. Is this normal?
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    Baby chick Marek’s or something else?

    My uncle has quite a diverse range of birds and called me over to look at one of his new chicks. He currently has a variety of fowl (turkey, pheasants, dove, chickens). It’s very lethargic, smaller than the others of his set (2 or 3 times smaller) and not eating as much as the other birds...
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    Gold Lace Wyandotte Chicks Question

    I've got 4 chicks, about 4-5ish weeks old and one is starting to get bigger and more colorful than the others. The others are dull and not as vibrant. Are there any telltale signs for noticing the sex on Wyandottes? (coloration, pattern, etc)
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    Unknown chick breed, ID help?

    Got the last 2 out of 1 unmarked bin. Among many signs removed laying around had sapphire gem, blue star, barred rock, and black australorp. Any advice?
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    Atwoods Barred Rock Pullets, gender help?

    "Barred Rock Pullets" from atwoods, and these were the last two. I've labeled A as the one in question, as A has started to develop a larger comb than the other, and both have differing patterns (imo). B is what I think is a pullet, but A I am not so sure. Any advice? Both have dark bands on...
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