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  1. B

    Hearing chirping from incubator

    First time incubating eggs and now at day 20. I heard a chirp tonight! Does this mean a chick has internally or externally pipped?
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    Shrinkwrapped chick?

    I had 2 young pullets go broody after a month laying so I gave the first one 8 fertile eggs. The other broody joined her a few days later and was thieving her eggs so I ended up giving her 4 of her own. Not that that worked as they played musical eggs every time one of them got off their nest...
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    Is my hen broody?

    So I've noticed Blue seemed to be hanging around the nest boxes a lot lately. Then yesterday afternoon I found her sitting. I picked her up and dumped her on the floor and she just sat there. Is this broody behaviour? After a while I heard her swearing loudly for 10 minutes then she rejoined...
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    Help!! My fav hen wants to star in The Exorcist

    Please help. My favourite hen, an approximately 4 yo Rhode Island Red called Ruby has suddenly developed this weird problem. It's like she wants to star in The Exorcist as her head and neck are swivelling right round. She was fine and laying regularly up to 3 days ago. Still eating ok though as...
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    What age does a hen wean chicks?

    I have 2 silver laced wyandotte hens both with a lone chick. One chick is 11 weeks and the other is 9 weeks. Both still hang out with their mums day and night (the flock free ranges throughout the day) and I've seen no sign of their mums chasing them off which is how I presume they wean. I...
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    Bumpy egg - why is my hen laying eggs like this?

    My cream legbar hen has started laying weird eggs. Yesterday her egg had ridges around the middle but today's egg is even worse. Anybody know what's causing it?
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    Cuckoo araucana - pullet or roo?

    I just purchased 2 lovely 14 week cuckoo araucanas but I'm a bit suspicious on this one which I'm hoping is a pullet. What do you guys think - pullet or rooster? Some of the others from the same hatch were sporting long tail feathers. Note this is an Australian araucana with a tail.
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    Am I an imposter?

    Hi all. I'm new to chickens and posted a while back about the sex of 2 gold laced wyandotte chicks I bought. They had totally different plumage so I thought one was a pullet and the other a roo - seemed logical 🙃. Now I suspect one may be a gold cuckoo marans or a cross between a GLW as the...
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    Gold laced wyandottes - roos or hen?

    I bought these 2 GLW chicks - approx 6 - 8 weeks old (breeder wasn't sure as had lots of clutches) but very slow feathering. The darker one is aggressive to the other chicks in the pen, seems to have more of a comb and yellower legs. Is it a rooster and the other a hen? Sorry for poor photos but...
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