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  1. Fowl_Language_

    Do I need a second door inside the coop ?

    Hello! So I am wondering if my coop will be safe at night without a door on it. I will add photos of my coop. I have added hardware cloth to the whole unit and there are garden bricks on top of that around the bottom edge.. I’m kind of nervous to let them sleep in there without a door so I think...
  2. Fowl_Language_

    I found some! Hurray!!!

    I posted last week I was having trouble finding baby chicks because my closest TSC were sold out, and hatcheries weren’t shipping until May or later. But!! I found chicks at a different tractor supply near my house! They are all Speckled Sussex and they are the cutest little floofs I’ve ever...
  3. Fowl_Language_

    I have everything ready… except chicks- help!

    Both tractor supply’s in my area sold out of their chicks yesterday as soon as they got them in. I’m looking for 6, and I was wondering if anyone could suggest a place to get them, or a hatchery online that lets you buy less than 10 and has some in stock for this or next month. I checked Meyers...
  4. Fowl_Language_

    New Coop, please help! Sharp edges and some holes!

    Hello chicken Friends! I just got our new coop delivered! It’s beautiful, made by a local guy in my area. I am concerned about some chicken wire around the corners being very sharp, and holes on the top and bottom. I just need some guidance on what to use to cover up the corners so myself, the...
  5. Fowl_Language_

    Hello chicken friends!! From Polk county, FLA

    My name is Melissa and I’ll be getting some chicks from a friend soon. I’ve never raised chickens but I am super excited! 1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? -Yes, they aren’t even hatched yet and should be ready by April! (2) How many chickens do you have right...
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