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  1. HutsonsHenHouse

    Hydrating chicks

    Hi. I'm new to all this. My chicks are 3 /12 weeks hold. I have been adding electrolytes to the water since they arrived. How long should they continue on that? Or is it no longer necessary? :confused: Thanks!!
  2. HutsonsHenHouse

    New Chicken Mama

    Hi! I joined BackYard Chickens a few months ago to help get myself educated and have been following a ton of interesting and fun stories, articles, etc while patiently waiting for my new baby chicks to arrive. I am FINALLY a new chicken mama as of yesterday and starting my journey into the world...
  3. HutsonsHenHouse

    New chicks

    Today I ordered my chicks. First time new owner to-be. The peeps ship May 15th. 3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks and 4 Barnevelders. I feel like an expectant new mom! Brooder just needs some finishing touches. I decided on the heat pad versus heat lamp and by mid May in...
  4. HutsonsHenHouse

    Soon to be chicken owner

    Hi! I'm Bobbi. My husband and I will be venturing into the world of raising chicks this spring. Looking forward to following here and picking up some helpful tips.
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