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  • Users: mich17mak
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    Can dominent hen be pecked on or molt at 8 months old?

    Hello, I am a new chicken owner and I have 5 hens. They are about 8-8.5 months old, and my 2 Black Copper Marans are at the top of the pecking order. I noticed the other day that they both have small bald spots on their backs under their wings. It's not noticeable unless you examine them, but...
  2. M

    Chicken on bottom of pecking order question

    I have an Americana/Easter egger (named Dottie) who is on the bottom of the pecking order. I noticed yesterday she was letting her "buddy" peck close to her earlobe, and I figured the buddy was just getting food or something caught on her feather. Later I checked on Dottie and saw she had a red...
  3. M

    Open-mouth-breathing. Why do they want to go in warmer coop?

    I've noticed one of my marans (9 weeks old) tends to breath with her mouth open when in her coop (not all the time, just sometimes). I assume she's just overheating even though she does it at night when temps are in 60s. Today temps are warmer than it has been, but only about high 70s and...
  4. M

    Does difference in breed color affect personality?

    Hi - I tried to do a websearch on this but couldn't find an answer. Does the variation in chicken color for each breed affect their personalities? For example, Buff Orpington is usually very docile. Will a Lavender Orpington also usually be very docile? (I know personalities within a breed will...
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