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  1. That crazy duck lady

    Emergency - possible botulism, toxicity

    Hi everyone! I have 3 ducks i found with symptoms parallel with botulism or toxicity of some sort. I am aware how to treat it but my issue is that I am worried it’s a magnesium sulfate toxicity. I had to do an epsom flush on my ducks yesterday morning as recommended by my vet for some...
  2. That crazy duck lady

    Newly hatched duckling with runny nose

    I am sorry if this has been covered before, I am just not finding a situation akin to mine. I have duckling that just hatched. It was a little early but clean hatch, no weird spots in the egg or anything. It’s been over 24 hours, it is all fluffed up and dried in the incubator and about ready...
  3. That crazy duck lady

    Duck egg fluid near air sac

    I have a duck egg I took from a broody hen because I thought it was rotten. When I candled it again, I saw movement, but there is liquid around the air sac. I placed it in my incubator to see if it would set and this morning I checked on it again. There is A LOT of movement, the duckling is...
  4. That crazy duck lady

    Is it better to turn an egg too much or too little close to hatch

    Hi everyone, I saved a duck egg under a broody hen that had cracked 2 weeks ago. I had no expectations for it to survive with a large crack but i must have caught it in time. I sealed the crack with candle wax and placed it in the incubator and have been manually turning it. My issue is that i...
  5. That crazy duck lady

    Wanderlust in call ducks

    Hi everyone, I have 3 grey call duck drakes. 2 of which keep “running away” and sometimes the 3rd joins them, other times not. Coincidentally, they keep going north. I am wondering if they are trying to migrate instinctively or if they just hate me. Unfortunately, it’s unsafe to step off my...
  6. That crazy duck lady

    Identify my Surprise Chick

    I just got an order or chicks and the hatchery gave my a free surprise chick with my order. What is this little guy? He is a bit smaller than the other chicks and I want to assume a bantam breed. Feathered feet and very cute
  7. That crazy duck lady

    Duck Behavior: Timid, curious hen

    This is a silly post but I am hoping someone may have an idea of what my hen is up to. I rescued a white hybrid, she’s likely about a year old now. We got her with 3 other ducks her age, all around 8 months at the time. Very sweet ducks but fearful and timid. I do not mind. I respect their...
  8. That crazy duck lady

    Need advice, duck with eye infection and other with odd behavior. Please help! (Repost, updated)

    Hi everyone, i apologize for a lengthy post. Please bear with me, I could really use some support! There will be a recap at the end to provide a quick summary but I think the details are important. I have two 8 month old duck hens. Both silver appleyard sisters. One got foamy eye about a...
  9. That crazy duck lady

    Need advice, duck with eye infection and other with odd behavior. Please help!

    Hi everyone, i apologize for a lengthy post. Please bear with me, I could really use some support! There will be a recap at the end to provide a quick summary but I think the details are important. I have two 8 month old duck hens. Both silver appleyard sisters. One got foamy eye about a month...
  10. That crazy duck lady

    Duck Wobbling Around

    Hi all We have a 7 month old duck that we found this morning in the coop, she couldn’t walk without toppling over and when she stood, she stoop straight up and sometimes fell backward onto her back. Her neck was completely tucked in. Obviously we were panicked. We separated her immediately...
  11. That crazy duck lady

    Nigel Update: jumbo with leg injury

    Hi all, Thank you for all of the support on my last thread. I have some photos of his feet and I believe he has bumblefoot, but I have not seen it like this before. I am wondering you guys believe i should cut off the dead tissue or leave it be. Thank you!
  12. That crazy duck lady

    Jumbo Pekin with leg injury

    Hi everyone, I just rescued a Jumbo Pekin drake from a not so great situation. I believe he is about a year old and 9 pounds or so. He has some sort of injury to his leg(s) that we have not yet been able to fully evaluate since moving him in. This is leaving him unable to walk much at all...
  13. That crazy duck lady

    Hi everyone!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens and ducks as of May of 2022 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 12 chickens, 22 ducks… and counting (3) What breeds do you have? chickens: Rhode Island Red, lavender Orpingtons, Ameraucanas...
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