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  1. C

    Stop laying

    My ducks went from laying one egg a day to nothing. I thought they were molting but they aren't that I see. I have attached a picture of the feed that I fed them. They are out side every day and clean water. I'm lost on what it could be.
  2. C

    Egg eating

    Help please my ducks are eating there eggs. I get up in the morning like I do every morning and go from like 9 eggs a day to 2 or 3 but there are times I find just yokes in the nest and times I see a duck walking around with one in its beak. What can I do I was thinking about placing fake eggs.
  3. C

    Stop water from freezing

    I live in northern part of pennsylvania and it's that time of year again. I use a 55 gallon barrel for my ducks that they drink out of with little dishes that are hooked all around it. You can buy the dishes on amazon. I was wondering what I can do to keep my water from freezing
  4. C


    I'm a first time duck owner. I'm afraid to say that winter is just around the corner. I like to plain ahead. I was wondering how do I get the water to not freeze. I am using a 55 gallon barrel for there drinking source with cups all around the bottom of it. Then I have a 50 gallon Rubbermaid...
  5. C

    Wood chips

    Can I use tree service wood chips for the ducks?
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    Can i use tree service chips

    Question about wood shavings. I have straw in the nests but in between there nest on the floor is so muddy. I was wondering if I could scatter some wood shavings on the floor to make it safe for the duck and myself from slipping. If so do I have to use pine or can I use any type.
  7. C


    I got some new babies yesterday and I was wondering if I could get some help on what kind they are.. I think I have a Rouen, Khaki Campbell but I'm stumped on the one with the white chest.. any information would be helpful.. thank you in advance
  8. C


    I got some new babies yesterday and I was wondering if I could get some help on what kind they are.. I think I have a Rouen, Khaki Campbell but I'm stumped on the one with the white chest.. any information would be helpful.. thank you in advance
  9. C


    I have more drakes then females that I'm trying to get rid of the drakes.. but my question is do Perkins drakes kill each other.. from the research that I have seen I haven't seen where it says they do.. but I have one that looks like it trys to mate with the one male then it looks like he trys...
  10. C

    Smoke/poo question

    I was wondering maybe this question has been already been asked. I'm in upper part of Pennsylvania and we are getting the smoke from the fire from Canada. The question is is it safe for the ducks to be outside or should I keep them locked up inside. The next question my ducks I'm not sure...
  11. C

    What can i feed my ducks

    My mom has some Timothy hay left over from her ginuea pig. I was wondering if it is safe to give it to my ducks.
  12. C


    What would cause ducks to have runny stool. 7 of them are a little over 4 weeks and 4 are a little over 2 weeks. Any information would be greatly appreciated so I can get my babies treated with the right stuff. Thank you in advance
  13. C


    What is the best starter to get for the baby's I'm running out. what I started out with was chicken starter with some other stufer I added but I can't think of it on the top of the top of my head. Tractorsupply didn't have duck starter so I went with that.
  14. C


    What is the best starter to get for the baby's I'm running out. what I started out with was chicken starter with some other stufer I added but I can't think of it on the top of the top of my head. Tractorsupply didn't have duck starter so I went with that.
  15. C

    New duckling

    Good evening. Ok have a question my duckling will be 2 weeks tomorrow. I went to tractorsupply this morning and ended up getting a couple more baby's. But before I got them I spoke with a lady that works there that I spoke to before about ducks and she has ducks herself and she said it was OK to...
  16. C


    Good morning.. well I was in taking care of my baby ducklings I noticed they have some pinkish spots on them. It's more on there wings and they have been scratching alot to. But I'm not sure if it's from them getting something or if maybe they are starting to get new feathers I'm not sure. They...
  17. C


    Good evening. I have week old ducklings and i was wondering what i can start giving them for treats?
  18. C

    Im new to BackYard Chickens

    My name is Ed i have had chickens for 10 or so years. I just recently lost my last hen this year she would of been 11. But I have decided to try and go with ducklings i got them on Feb 24 2023. So this is all new to me. I got 8 of them but sadly one of them passed what i believed to have...
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