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  1. monkeybutter99

    HELP! bantam hen lethargic, not eating nor drinking

    one of my bantam hens, butters, was seemingly fine a few days ago, she was a little lethargic but i had figured it was because of how cold its been the past few days. the past week or so she had been staying on the roost most of the day but i also assumed that was because of the cold, because...
  2. monkeybutter99

    lameness in bantam hen after CRD recovery

    I have a D’uccle bantam hen who we treated for CRD because she was sneezing and congested, she had also been limping a bit. We treated her with Tylan. Treatment was successful as she no longer displays symptoms, but eventually she just stopped using her right leg completely and now just sits all...
  3. monkeybutter99

    what breed is this?

    hi, can anyone tell me what breed this hen is? i know she’s a type of bantam but i can’t figure out exactly what she is. her name is fancy, she passed away in the beginning of february and i’ve been trying to figure out what breed she was. she was so sweet and adorable too. if it helps, her eggs...
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