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  1. Z

    Head Trauma?

    Hello, I’m raising some chicks and have been having some issues with this run. I have my ayam cemani and polish together as they grew way faster than the silkie chicks. I was treating them with corid and they seemed to do better so I then started to give them vitamin supplements immediately...
  2. Z

    Chick Starter/Grower for Pullets/Hens,/Rooster for now?

    Hello, I have been doing a lot of research here regarding the types of feed to give our chickens. I looked at other threads and thought my situation was a little unique so that's why I am posting. I currently have ten 12 week pullets, one young rooster, and two adult laying hens (EE and...
  3. Z

    Wry neck and amprolium

    I have some chicks that I am currently treating for coccidia as I found that they had some bloody poop. They range 3-5 weeks old and seem to be doing better on the amprolium treatment. I did notice on day two that my frizzle silkie had developed wry neck. Could this be from me treating with...
  4. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Hello, I am a new chicken keeper and this is my second time raising chicks. My first time I had no issues whatsoever but this time I believe I may have come across coccidia. I have ayam cemani, polish, silkies, and a white sultan in a brooder setup. They’re currently ranging from 3-4 weeks old...
  5. Z

    Bubbles in eye?

    We have a group of 3 hens, I noticed today one of them has bubbles on one of their eyes. I don’t see any abnormal behavior and it seems to be acting normal as usual. This Rhode island is the alpha of the flock so maybe it’s an injury? None of the others seem sick and lay almost every day. This...
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